Wednesday 26 August 2015





After diagnosis and treatment for a Pituitary brain tumor, I have not been the same.

 me aged 10
 me ( and ex ) aged 20
 Me now = aged 40 ( I know I know - I don't look it ! )

Changes in behavior and thinking occur in the majority of patients, and I have experienced this hugely at some point during diagnosis.
The extent of changes can vary considerably from person to person. Changes can be as subtle as mild forgetfulness or as dramatic as deep depression or abusive, violent outbursts ( Just the The HULK ) - or in many cases all of these combined -

A Pituitary brain tumor can have a major impact on Most patients. A person who was completely confident and able may lose the ability to work and to handle financial matters.  An independent individual may become unable to drive a car and suddenly find herself totally dependent on others. Such serious losses can lead to frustration, anger, and depression.

Tumor location influences the type of symptoms. Here is an example:

While sitting in the front room with her ex husband Alan, Abigail Barry suffered a terrible headache. Right between the eyes - and pressure at the back of the head -  She became too disoriented and confused to continue Reading. The next morning Abby awoke feeling better and thought everything was fine. Instead, she had a frightening and shocking surprise.

“As I drank my coffee and began to look at the computer, I was struck with the horror of not being able to read one word. I could not believe it. The words held no meaning. I looked in my purse to see if I could recognize myself on any photo ID or at least read my Till receipts. To my amazement I comprehended nothing. I was unrecognizable to myself. The person sitting across from me at the breakfast table looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't comprehend anything. I thought I had lost my mind.”
A Pituitary Brain Tumour and Enlarged Pituitary Gland severely affected Abby’s memory and language centers. Effects of pressure or “disconnection” of interrelated brain areas can cause problems that might not be expected. The illustration below identifies brain functions and their locations.

Brain functions

  •  Frontal lobe: Movement, intelligence, reasoning, behavior, memory, personality, planning, decision making, judgment, initiative, inhibition, mood 
  • Temporal lobe: Speech, behavior, memory, hearing, vision, emotions 
  • Pituitary gland: Hormones, growth, fertility 
  • Parietal lobe: Intelligence, reasoning, telling right from left, language, sensation, reading
  • Occipital lobe: Vision
  • Cerebellum: Balance, coordination, fine muscle control
  • Brain stem: Breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, swallowing
Pituitary tumors can have an effect on personality by causing the overproduction or underproduction of hormones. Hormonal imbalances can cause problems with mood, emotions, body weight and many other things.

 ( My fav quote )

Emotions may remain close to the surface and result in excessive crying or laughing, anger, or depression. Many Pit Patients experience all of these as part of their daily routine ....
Troublesome symptoms such as lack of sleep, forgetfulness, and pain can play a role in making things worse by causing irritability and frustration. Thinking, speed, attention, concentration, language, motor skills, and mood, also the individual’s ability to plan, reason, initiate, and organize are affected by the Pituitary Tumour pressing on parts of the brain -
Most Pit Patients go through this and it is very very scarey - even though the pit patient looks as though they are coping and are Happy and smiley - Underneath it all - THEY ARE NOT


Sharing feelings with family and friends is essential for any person dealing with this illness. A Pituitary Patient can usually talk for hours on end about themselves, I know I can ! - BUT - Ask them a question - and all of a sudden my Mind goes blank - I could start to stutter, my  head may start to shut down, Headache start, and I may not be able to think or express what I am trying to say - I may very well swear - THE VERY WORST FOUL LANGUAGE ANYONE COULD USE = and it doesn't matter who is in ear shot - and then I could start attacking the people who I love the most - the people who help and try to care for me -

Most Pituitary Patients feel terrible about this - BUT WONT apologise for behaviours shown while in a 'Storm' - as this would increase the feeling that they were in control - where - in fact - they ARE NOT .. Anti-depressant medications are the only thing that works - CBT and Councilling are of no help -
THIS IS A MEDICAL MATTER - AND NOT PSYCHOLOGICAL ( But most people can be forgiven into thinking otherwise ) Although Pit Patients may very well be made to attend MANY MANY psychological Meetings - Once again getting very very annoying and Making you think 'Your going mad' !!

Patients and family members often don’t understand why some remote memories from years ago remain intact - ( and others are lost ) - yet the person can not remember where she puts things, forgets appointments, forgets cooking things -  or keeps repeating the same information over and over and over and over and over again. The patient isn’t being difficult or careless or trying to be annoying,  These symptoms are a function of the illness process

Devices such as date books, calendars, personal organizers (such as a Palm computers), checklists, watch alarms, and weekly pillboxes are not useful as reminders, UNLESS SET AS PART OF A DAILY ROUTINE . A Pituitary Patient often gets distracted and ignores these 'reminders' Because they are too pre-occupied with what they are doing and don't want to stop - in case they forget !  - again - it is not done on purpose - it is just ...... Just !!
Setting up a routine and sticking to it can help greatly. But this will then be adheared too over and over again - and if the routine is broken - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - This is NOT good !!

In rare cases, ( I am one )  a person can suffer from agitation or paranoia. Behavior can become aggressive or combative. These behaviors can be caused or intensified by various medications. ( While I was on a Drug for Epilepsy I threw a chair at and punched my twelve year old son ) - Doctors manage these symptoms by modifying drug dosages, or by prescribing antipsychotic drugs or tranquilizers - often Diazepam which the Patient has to control themselves - .
Aggressive behavior is particularly difficult when safety becomes an issue. The best strategy is to pay attention to warning signs of growing anger or threats of violence. and DO NOT BECOME CONFRONTATIONAL - THE PATIENT BY THIS TIME IS OUT OF CONTROL - AND ILLNESS HAS TAKEN OVER. TRY to get the Patient to go to a place where there is NO SOUND and no lights and No Movement - Quite simply a darkened silent room - Medicate - and all will be well !!

THE PITUITARY RAGE ( On a lighter note ! )

For a Pituitary Patient - This is no rare occurrence, but there's no doubt every RAGE is different... Here's the five levels of Pituitary rage every Patient and Carer should know about:

Level 1 - Standard Pituitary Rage

Notes: Generally occurs at home. Manageable without skin loss.

Warnings Signs/Traits: Protruding bottom lip, mild stroppiness and an inability to make full eye contact or respond to own name. Occasional throwing of nearby objects and mild violence towards nearby animals/woodland creatures. ( None of which is meant - but always occurs )

General Causes: Saying no to a 75th episode of Eastenders, suggesting something other than Chinese for dinner, pointing out that a spoon really is more effective for eating peas than a palm/face combo or recommending that due to the torrential rain perhaps today is not the day for walking outside in sundress and sandles fun.

Treatment: Usually appeasable with biscuits, grapes and a 75th episode of Eastenders, ohh and Diazepam - one or two should do it ! .

Level 2 - The Body Flop Pituitary Rage

Notes: Will nearly always occur in public, in the vicinity of tutting old people and/or judgemental mothers, Who wear lipgloss. Who will no doubt be Glared at by Patient - if not shouted at ...
Warning Signs/Traits: Sudden eye locking and maybe getting louder followed by spurts of laugh-crying, Refusal to get into the car/shop/house - in fact refusal to be compliant in any way as long as it massively inconveniences you and causes more tuts from the lipgloss twats.

General Causes: You looked at them wrong, you didn't use your nice voice, you forgot to pack tissues  despite very specific requests, you made them wear a coat and three days ago you realised you'd run out of Milk and used stunned silence - DRIED MILK instead. This is simply not acceptable.
Treatment: You're gonna need some serious treats, a Dr Who DVD with David Tennant ( Of course ) - , the stamina for at least a 2-hour angry-stand off-coffee-debate and you will be required to set fire to all coats. ALL OF THEM. (Gin/Beer will be needed for this -.) Patient is NOT a child and does NOT require being told WHEN TO WEAR A FUCKING COAT !

Level 3 - The Angry Crab Pituitary Rage

Notes: Also known as the 'Contortionist's Strop'.

Warning Signs/Traits: This is what happens when you attempt to bring a Pituitary Patient out of a Body-Flop using a lifting or bending motion - BUT as MOST of you wil be aware - Pit Patients are generally - BIG women/Men and this is NO EASY FEAT ! -  No matter how much you try to manipulate them into a lift-able state they WILL resist... like soaped-up slippery ninja Unicorn sent to break your will power. And make you look like a wanker/Abusive Carer

General Causes: They've been planning this for days...

Treatment: This is a battle of wills. Never break first. You must stay strong, silent and in control.... Safe in the knowledge that tomorrow you are upping their Diazepam hours.

Level 4 - The Pituitary Patient Tornado
Notes: Hide all pets and breakable objects. Do not allow them near other people of any size because by now - they are THE HULK -  and Uncontrollable .... Other by Diazepam - and lots of it !
Warning Signs/Traits: Level 4s are fairly rare ( in every other household but mine - where they can happen daily ! ) but if they do happen it will be in a confined environment for maximum effect. Such as in a car, a restaurant, the queue at the post office, Front Room etc etc

General Causes: You took them in the car. Or to a restaurant. Or to the post office. Just when they felt a 'Storm' coming on -  How could you be so misguided as to think they would enjoy a Car drive ( Yes yes - The head is set off by movements and by moving from left to right and by making sure you are not TAKEN OUT by any oncoming - or in fact, cars behind you, There may well be repeated and VERY LOUD Swearing, of the worst kind ( in front of whoever ) and lots of jumping and hands over the eyes at this Particular event ) , or eating, or receiving gifts via post... You are so f@*king selfish.

Treatment: There's nothing for it but CRiPD.... Capture, Restraint, iPad, Diazepam, Use every trick at your disposeal . There's no such thing as too being OTT - ' I'll make a coffee' always a good start - GET AWAY for a little time - After giving Patient Diazepam Tablets to take - let them take effect = Be as nice and as amenable as you possibly can - TALK and do as told - BUT NOT IN A PATRONISING WAY !

Level 5 - The Silent Rage

Notes: Gin/Beer will be needed later.

Warning Signs/Traits: There are none. That's what's so terrifying... They don't react... they remain silent... biding their time... harvesting your weaknesses... waiting for their moment to strike.... You should be very afraid. VERY VERY AFRAID.

General Causes: F@*k knows... But you're on your own now...

Treatment: Sleep with one eye open and a knife under your pillow... thoroughly expect to woken up by your Pituitary Patient asking for keys to car - or keys to Tablet Box - and once you say you don't have them to hand - ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE - expect Screaming, Rocking, Throwing things, Everything brought up as too why you are a B@~CH or Ba@?<$D Things are made up - and thrown at you - BUT - WHAT EVER YOU DO - DO NOT APPROACH THE SILENT RAGE PATIENT - THIS IS DEADLY - as they WILL NOT STOP - AND WILL ATTACK IF THEY FEEL THEY ARE BEING DISRESPECTED OR ATTACKED THEMSELVES - and they WILL NEVER BACK DOWN - AGAINST ANYONE - and they are always right ... ALWAYS ....

Illness of a family member can cause emotional distress to the entire family. I require an active role from everyone to help me to find ways to cope. This may be VERY selfish and very Unthoughtful - BUT - YES - I do know everyone has their own lives - and I want that life to be as great as possible - Most of the time - I think that YOUR life can only be good - IF IM NOT HERE - So I ask for Attention - I cant get out - I cant drive - I cant visit people without someone being by my side - THIS IS NOT THE LIFE I WANTED -  AND I DEFINATELY DONT WANT TO BE A BURDEN - But - ATM I am having to live my life like this -  - and Im trying as best I can -
So PLEASE take a moment just to think - What it is like to be ME !

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