Monday 10 August 2015



OMG = I havnt / don't seem to have done this for ages and ages !! - I suppose I could just look back nd - erm - look - but well - THATS TOO EASY !! =

hellooooooooooo and I hope you lot have had a fabulous day - ive been sat on the computer since 11am - lmao - now - WHATS THE TIME ?? ........................................
OMG ITS 6.35pm - That's mad !! = No coffee - no wee - no NUFFINK !! Must let the dog out - HANG ON 2 SECS !

PHEW- That was a race for the Dogs area - By the dog - not by me - Bless her - she is soooo good - She came over about 1 hour ago and asked to go out- but it just didn't click that she wanted to !! Love her - so she has been holding it all that time - AND AFTER GRANDADS ROAST !! -- No-one can usually hold ANYTHING after one of Grandads Roasts !! = Because they are soo nice- and we eat far too much ! _ Not because we are gonna chuck it up or something !! - except the gravy - if they had given me gravy I may have Gagged just a little ;) !! Anyway - ALL RELAXED AND FREE OF .... OK OK - WE SHALL STICK TO RELAXED !! ;) !!

Well I have the house to myself for the next four days - Alan ( The EX ) has taken Tom and Cass ( Who I took THE MOST BEAUTIFUL pictures of at the weekend - Posted below ) to a Haven Campsite = complete with new £250 tent that sleeps 14 ??????? - why 14 - I don't know- but - that means they can also take the PortaLoo, Campbeds, Stove, and ohh bloody Kitchen Sink - More like Glamping I guess !!

But they were all very excited - Im not going because of the people - pmsl - Not the Type of Person - But the amount of people = Due to my head I have great difficulty listening to just one convo - and I find that I HAVE to listen to everyone !!! - and stare - and maybe even intervene if they say the wrong thing !! - That or I will find a table at the café bit and just sit there in tears - pmsl - for no reason - Or - If anyone is outside the tent and makes a noise - WOE BETIDE THEM -

Just sat gone I was outside at 3pm being told by Alan that it was OK for the guy 2 doors down to rev his Jet Boat Engine as it wasn't late and he was doing no harm - WEL - TO ME HE BLOODY WAS - AND I WAS GOING TO TELL HIM SO - so - I put my Sandles on - ( I had on my Bright Multicoloured Short and tight top and VERY Short Tight NEON PINK Leggings - that I use as PJ's - as its been so warm - and proceeded to STRUTT over to his garden - now- that's where things went a little wrong - as it wasn't who I thought it was - but the nice ladies husband - and that kinda stopped me in my tracks - enough for Alan to catch up with me - Tom and Mum standing at the door - and try to calm me down - BUT - if you had just been woken by this bloody boat - ( For the fifth time in a week ) you'd have been a bit peeved too - so - theres me standing in the middle of the street - dressed well - like nothing ANYONE has ever seen before - and theres Alan Holding up his hand to the guy ( who is actually built like a brick shit house ) who smiled and CARRIED ON - omfg - " HE IS DOING THIS ON PURPOSE AND DOING IT TO WIND ME UP ! " -  Top of my voice - the bloke stopped - Alan waved at him again, to stay put, Frankly if he had come near I think I may have rugby tackled him to the floor and sat on him - Im GLARING and shouting that his behaviour is NOT ACCEPTABLE in the lovely street where we live ( ohhhh SHUT UP !! I KNOW !! ) AND eventually Alan made me go back in the house - I downed 5 Diazepam - and sat crying - Because I HADNT told him how bloody rude he was to do that - and if he wanted to play with his engine then to go to a boat yard - now if it had been who I thought it was - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sparks im sure would have flown !! Anyways - came home and calmed down - Ohhh 5 is all im allowed in a day ( BUT if bad I am allowed to self medicate ! )  - I was on my 14th of the day by that time - so I should have known I wasn't QUITE RIGHT !!! Anyway - by the time Alan went on his merry way to the bloody pub ( The devils parlour ;) !! ) I had calmed down and ws looking forward to an evening with the parents and kids ............... Anyway - ive gone off one one - I tend to do this a lot - bear with me while I remember what I was talking about !! ...

Ohhh yes- Why I havnt gone Camping with The Ex and the kids - so for the afore mentioned reasons - and the fact that noise / lights / people / over stimulation sets my head into either anger/sorrow or Utter hysteria - I thought It best I stay with the Kittens and Dog !! So anyways - I packed yesterday - just after Alan had gone out saying he was back at 5pm to pack - ( I knew full well that he wasn't going to be - as when he starts drinking - he cant stop - BUT - poor bloke - living with me - you cant really blame him !!! ) I have BANNED ALL ALCOHOL from the house and OMG mum came in with a tincy bottle of Brown Brothers Merlot - a delicious full bodied red with taste of Redcurrent, Plum and Cassis = well - I turned her round and walked it out of the house !! - NOPE - IF ALAN ISNT ALLOWED TO DRINK HERE - NEITHER IS ANYONE - ID BE A HYPOCRITE TO ALLOW IT - ( ....................... DONT BE RUDE !! )  My Poor Mother - Good as gold - completely understood - even tho I know she muttered that alan wasn't here and the kids should see responsible drinking !! - BUT - She did take it back to the car - lol - and probably downed it there !! ;) - NO SHE DIDNT JOKE !!!

Anyways - Dad kept saying that the Roast wasn't getting hot ( he had already cooked most of it at his house ) and asked me to come and look - well - I looked and looked - and said yeah that's ok - just gotta wait - half hour later - still no better - and im thinking - OMG - I KNEW THEY WERE GETTING OLDER BUT THIS IS RIDICULAS - now mum is getting hungry - and she gets NASTY when she is hungry - ROGERRRRRRRR - and he - as good as anything - eyes to heaven - YES  MICHELLE = This oven isn't hot still - YOU SAID IT WAS HOT - WHAT HAVE YOU DONE - pmsl - so out he went and had another look - still not hot - so me - Being me - went out - looked as hard as I could - Nope - its all fine - YOU JUST HAVE TO WAIT ..... and went and sat down - chatting and talking - then dad got up and said - just go and putting the Yorkshires in - He got there and OMG - ITS STILL NOT HOT - well - I almost smashed the f'ing door - that decided to shut - and went to the cooker - SURE that they had done something - OHHH BOLLOX - THE MIDDLE TIMER WASNT ON - PMSL - NOTHING WORKS WITHOUT THAT - well - I turned it - and PING - LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION - everything on !!!! = opps !!!


ANYWAYS 10 mins later it was on the table and delicious - and omg - I have digressed again !! = Im such a nightmare - and I have forgotton what I was talking bout - hang on !!

OHHHH GLAMPING = - Yes - so - that's why I havnt gone !!! = IM A NIGHTMARE - THATS WHY !! - So tomorrow and Weds - I have mum in the morning - go for coffee - then back home for Kitten and Dog duties and I may have a go at the garden - pmsl - if I remember !!

The only other thing I have done this week is carried on a GROUP that Cassia has started for me on facebook = well - not really started for me - but - just started !!! = love her- She called it Unicorns !! - and I have re-named it AbiLand and Dave the Unicorn ( For those that want to know more - read my blog Abiland ! ) - In the group I have JUST the people who have been in Abiland with me from the beginning - and they are posting all lovely stuff - and positivity etc - im posting ermmm - stories about Abiland !! - I shall give you a few snippets of MY POSTS  !!

Anger Stormed about 1 hour ago - killed two wooden rhinos which I had thrown - whoops = worth a bit too - but - mainly because the ex is a fucking twat and thinks its ok to be OTT nice to me this morning abd now go out now to the carnival which begins at 6pm and play Fifa with a bloke he met down the pub - drinking - while Cassia sits and well - sits - so PegatyPawz, Derek, Rodney Dave and I are off to Abiland - and we may well Stay there for the duration -
It will be calm ...and peaceful there - and may well help myself to some of the chocolate off the Chocolate tree, and mmmm ok first I may have a granary bread bacon sarnie - yummy - and STUFF THE FUCKING LETTUCE ! - ohh and lashings and lashings of Elderflower sparkling water - !! Then I think I will go for a HIGH speed fly on Donald the Flying Hybrid Griffin - and we shall sour among the trees and low down over the lake and touch out toes in the warm water - after that we will all go for a DVD evening with a Hijacked ( shhhhhhh don't tell anyone im doing this ) David Tennant ( Derek the x Ogre is gonna help me lure DT away ) and then we are gonna sit and reinact 50 shades - !! = pmsl NOT DEREK AND I - DT AND I ) OK -- no we wont - we will chat and just be civilised and eat brownies and stroke the pussy- OHHH BEHAVE = Then = sleep after a quick dip in the pool at midnight under the dancing moon and glorious pixie elfs singing their songs !! lovely xxxx

Morning one and all, the sun is out and DAVES about !!! Gona take a walk down to the flower garden today and think of installing a waterslide, you know a skiddy one, think that could be fun, would also like to turn the dining room in the main house into a mega big ball pit ?? A colourful one, not like that yuppie one in London where all the balls are white that's plain boring, and maybe get a sprinkler installed that pelts us with aromatherapy oils every few minutes,Then we don't need to bathe!!!! Whew whew !! Yeah defo thinking of that, ohhhhh and the loo needs a revamp its boring in there ........

"OMG - Dave and I were walk thing throught the red rain forest this morning and ffs - look what I stumbled upon - Adam - Did you have anything to do with this ?? - I cant remember getting it here - and I think it defo means that cecil - the Griffin would have had to fly it here - and that means you have been feeding him Ferrets AGAIN Adam - and THATS NOT ACCEPTABLE = I havnt yet gone behind the door - but there are two furry Lemurs by the door - and im sure I heard one speak - ...AND NO - I DIDNT BLOODY TRUST IT - Now - if it had been pink - or perhaps purple - I would have felt more inclined to befriend this cute lil scrap - but - Mmmmm Black is a tad worrying - and if Adam is involved - ANYTHING could happen = so - anyways - I have Mapped where this door is - and am going to go back - Dave was fine all the time btw - he didn't wanna go in anyway - her was far too busy worrying about watering the Tiger Flowers - in The creek as last time he was there they were so thirsty they started meowing and raurrring at him and he got a tad worried = So - we are off there now - But - all fine here atm - Kids are off with Alan at the Slopes for the Fun Fair - and I have just removed the cage from the front room - ( THE KITTENS CAGE - NOT ALANS !! ) and cleaned up - and have done a video for YouTube - so - all hunky dorey here !!! Hope you lot are all good xx

well - theres three posts I have done so far - its not been up and running long - so gonna take a while to establish and get used to posting stuff - esp as I havnt been so hot recently !!!

Anyways - Think now I deserve a coffee as I have done a Video for my YouTube Channel - and posted on twitter and Google+ - next its Pinterest - gotta go on there and wack a few pins on my boards !! I LOVE THAT APP !!! - In the search button - put Abigail Barry !! - @abigailbarry1

ok - that's me - over and out !! ... Back Soon !! - COMMENTS VERY VERY WELCOME !!

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