Friday 17 April 2015

Music - Spotify - Facebook groups - Animals - Brain Tumour - BBW AND DAVID TENNANT !!!

Well - Goooood morning - ohhh lmao - started and have only just seen the time - it's 1pm - ok - GOOD AFTERNOOON !!!! - and it's Friday - Whewww Whewwww - Nearly the weekend - and that makes absolutely no difference when all days roll into one - Well - I started this morning in floods of tears - " - No-One understands me - No-one wants me " and OMG then Cassia ( My 9 year old ) Comes into my room - gives me a hug and then she, Tom ( My 12 year old who isn't talking to me atm as He cant cope with my CONSTANT mood swings ) and my EX - Who I live with - all went out and went swimming - So - Up I get and do housework and Ohhhhhhhh Sorted - Feel ok now - MUSIC - lmao - I have JUST discovered Spotify - and have my own compliation on there ranging from Radiohead to Les Mis and ELO to Big Band and Frank Sinatra !! But - It HAS to be MY MUSIC - lol - If I don't like the choice of song - OMG - That can send me into a Tizzy !! = Tizzy Putting it very very gently ! - Its utterly ridiculas - Most people would think im a spoilt bratt - lmao - IF ONLY !! But If I cant listen to it - It sets my head off = and - NO-ONE WANTS TO SEE THIS !!

Brilliant - Cheered me up no end - and now - WHEWW WHEWWWW - Im ready for anything - lmao - So sat here - singing - being Nutty !! - BEST WAY TO BE - well - ok - in my mind !!! ... and I have to apologise to Cassia - although - she always KNOWS what I mean - - Typical Conversation - " - Cass = Whats that song I like - you know - I cant remember what it is called, or who it is by, or what it sounds like - BUT - It  has the word reason in it ... " - - Yeah Mum - That ' Just give me a reason by Pink " - AND OMG SHE IS RIGHT !!!!! Always Right - !! the kid is amazing !!! lol - not always the word 'Reason' - It could be ' it starts with a C - Or it goes a bit like this - ( And ok - I don't have the best singing voice - im defo no singing angel !! ) But - She always Knows - a tad worrying that Cassia is on MY  wave length !! = A bit worried now actually !!

Facebook - Mmmmm Been on Facebook now for years - and love it- totally get carried away with it and recently - ok - within the last few months - Ive been posting LOADS of Selfies- and Joined loads of Groups = The first ones I started were ones to do with my Head - Brain Tumour Groups and Pituitary Groups- and these arnt depressing or people being all negative - I have found lots of friends there and people I can depend on - and they can depend on myself too ( Ohhh that's not proper English is it- but u know what I mean !! ) - People who have illness OFTEN find that they have no-one to chat to - and on here there is always SOMEONE !! - I can wake at any time of the day or night and there is always someone to chat with and - with my illness OMG I can talk and talk and talk - lol ok nearly always about myself - BUT I do try to listen too !! - and NOT STOP for hours- I wear people out - lmao- but never myself - It is a nightmare for Everyone I live with - lol - I just forget that I have already told them certain things - and end up telling them about 4000 times - ( Ohh exaggeration - lmao - that's another thing I do - ohhh if I have told you once - ive told you 4 billion times - DONT EXAGGERATE !! )

The Next Set of groups I have joined are BBW ( That's Big Beautiful Women to you !! ) and OMG - Now I know the reason im a BBW - I flaunt it !! ;) ( Ie - due to my illness I have hardly any metabolism and my Thyroid is non existant - and my body has put itself into famine mode - so everything I eat - I store !! )  - Im Proud of who I am - and what I look like - ok - Mum calls me a chav - lmao - BUT - I am Unique and Follow MY  OWN STYLE - a tad excentric maybe - but - Im Me - and will now always be the same !! I am NO shrinking Violet - I do like my BRIGHT CLASHING colours and Bubbly personality - when im me !! ;) - Ohhh I have gone off on one again - lol - GROUPS - BBW - I love em - They have given me confidence and a whole new set of friends - and YES they are friends - we chat and exchange views and pictures and well - details about life - Lots of the girls are very disillusioned about their weight - and I try my hardest to help and Make them enjoy and see what I see - JUST FANTASTIC LOVELY FUNNY WOMEN WHO HAVE PERSONALITY AND ATT.I.TUDE and SEXY CURVES IS A BONUS - The men in the groups are lovely - They all compliment and just make everything right that is wrong with the uncivalised world that is around us at the moment - All these guys are just themselves and appriciate a curvy woman, There is NOTHING pervy or anything SEXUAL about the BBW groups - ( That's the OTHER ** Cough Cough ** Groups that I belong too - but I WONT be mentioning THOSE here ;) !!! hahahaha lmao !! Now that's got my Mother worried !! ;)  )

The next thing I like to do - is follow animals - lmao - NO I DONT MEAN I PICK AN ANT OR A CAT AND FOLLOW IT- Wally - ;) - ( Although if I see a cat - I have been known to stop the car - Get out and say hello !! = Well - rude not too !! = ohh and Dogs I wil always say a quick hello to - Unless it is a Breed I really like - and THE it could get a bit scarey as I often end up kissing THE DOG - and hugging it - lmao - ONG - HOW CAN YOU NOT !!! = I have been growled at a few times - and the Chinese Guy in Herne Bay doesn't quite know how to take me when he tells me that His Jap Akita is a Biter - and Growls at me - and I still approach him to say hello as he is such a cutie !!! = THE DOG NOT THE MAN ! = He wont bite - he is a softie - LMAO - Ohhhh don't say a word - I know I know !! - For those that are interested - I have usualy owned German Shephers - Long Haired - Although My PeggatyPawz Now is a LHGSD x Retriever - BUT- The Breed id LOVE to own - If I got better and could look after it properly is a Russian Causican Shepherd - It's Russian and a Huge Giant Breed that needs LOTS of training and Stimulation - So - Once I am sorted - that's is what im getting - Picture below !!

I take an interest on facebook or pinterest ( OMG Am I the ONLY person that cant pronounce that ?? ) - check out Abigail Barry on Pinterest ! = and love to see all the little faces looking at me - and I like to follow rspca and world wildlife fund - etc etc - Gives me up to date stuff to talk about and BORE THE LIFE OUT OF PEOPLE WITH !! - I do have an opinion on most animal related things - even if I know nothing about it - lol - But ALWAYS in the animals best interest !! = and woe betide anyone who posts pics of Animal Cruelty - Ohhhh - There is one subject that leaves me speechless ( and as you have probably guessed - there is NOT a lot that does that = ohhh  David Tennant - theres another speechless Moment - Hang on while I take five ! ) LMAO - The times Tom has come along behind me and asked- " What HAVE you put into Google to get those images up - lmao - and OMG the last few have been , Sexy David Tennant - BBW are BIG and Proud - Laughing Cat - Cute Animals - Firemen WITH THEIR TROUSERS ON ( lmao - I added the last bit for the sanity of my mother !! ;) !! ) and Illness funny -

Mmmm - Just put random things into google images and all sorts come up  - ohhh DONT BE RUDE !!! - I have filtered myself- and only have NICE images - ohhh ok - I did take the Filter OFF when searching David Tennant - ohhhhhhhhhh - Id love to search David Tennant =

He was and always will be THE BEST DOCTOR WHO - ( Sorry Nick ;) !! I know your reading ! - Bless you - Your my only mate that does !! ) But DT as 10 - Ohhh - Quivvers ....and believe me or believe me not - but that little sentence has just taken me fourty five minutes to do as I had to seach for DT Pictures and OMG THERE ARE SO MANY !! - AND I COULDNT DECIDE !! Ohhh - BTW Im sat here at my computer next to a 6ft David Cardboard Cut Out and a DT Cushion opposite ( Ohh I love saying  " David Stop throwing yourself at me " When the cushion falls off the sofa ! ) Ohhhh Ive gone off on one again !! I was meant to be talking bout animals - but - Ive had enough now - havnt eaten yet today and im a tad hungry !! Best have some Toast !!! Yum Marmite !! Love it or Hate it - AND I LOVE IT !! But that's not a good ending to this Blog - Mmmmmmm- Naa cant think of anything - so I will find ANOTHER CLIP ART PICTURE and post that !! - THE END !! ;) X

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