Wednesday 25 March 2015

Me Myself I and The Illness I have !! ( Brain Tumour - Various Symptoms )

Me, Myself, I - and the illness I have !

Hahahah - What a title !!
Ok - Where do I start - I had given birth to Cassia in 2006 - and for the first few months was SUPERB - Getting everything done - totally in control - THEN The ex - Hubby at that time - was due for a dentist apt and had to leave - 2.45 the apt was - I was on sofa - and TOTALLY UNABLE TO MOVE - He shouted  " im just off" - and I couldn't even shout after him - I - unbeknown to me - Had gone into a Myexdema Coma ( Myxedema coma is a loss of brain function as a result of severe, longstanding low level of thyroid hormone in the blood (Hypothyroidism). Myxedema coma is considered a life-threatening complication of hypothyroidism and represents the far more serious side of the spectrum of thyroid disease. ) Alan got back and found me in the same position - I knew what was happening = But couldn't do a thing, speech, movement - everything had gone - THANK GOD TWO DAYS EARLIER I HAD HAD A BLOOD TEST - Alan rang an Ambulance and Doctors - The doctor looked at my Blood Test Results and instructed immediate Levothyroxine Treatment - Within Hours I was back to reality - OK OK - MY REALITY - as ive never lived in the real world .... I would be on Levothyroxine for the rest of my life and if I don't take it - at the High levels that I need - I will die !! pmsl !! Job Done - .. Ermmm No - Not quite !!

I went on to suffer Many Many different symptoms, and after a fantastic consultation with a Normal GP - She thought I was almost CERTAINLY suffering with Either Cushings Disease - or A Pituitary Brain Tumour - and sent me for my first MRI ..... This came back inconclusive - which - She pointed out - was great  - and it PROVED, to her - that I had - in the 'least' a Pit Tumour !! WHEWWW WHEWEWW !! - Now- I have to keep MRI'ing to find the lil bugger !! = No-one tells u - BUT - 7 years it took to actually FIND the tumour on the scan - But = Inbetween this time - I had been diagnosed with a Bulky Pituitary - Which I have since found out - is so large - Its actually hitting my Frontal Lobal Cortex !! ( Ones at the front and ones at the back of my head ! ) It should be the size of a Pea !! I was THEN diagnosed with loss of Peripheral vision: Side vision - The Opthalimic Tech said I was to see a Neurologist IMMEDIATELY- lol - I said it was he who had sent me to you - to see if I had a Glaucoma - As I was sent to him with blinding headaches and Pressure in the head - she actualy said and I quote " Is the Man stupid ! - You have immense loss of sight and Im sure its due to Pituitary Based Problems - You need to go to KINGS "

OMG - ok - so KINGS - and remember - I have STILL not actually had a proper diagnosis !! - Even tho I have had 4 scans back - all with sight of this Bulky Pit - and Pit Tumour - ok - I underwent LOADS of testing - mainly bloods ( 26 viles was the most !! ) and loads of Hormones testing = EVERYTHING came back Inconclusive or Borderline !! and with a Top Specialist in Africa looking at my scans - I knew ' This was gonna be it- They can do something ' LMAO - YEAH RIGHT ! - after quite a few visits to Kings - I was discharged - BUT - Diagnosed with a Pituitary Brain Tumour, A Bulky Pit, Hypothyroidism, Borderline Polycystic Overy Syndrome, and Distorted and Irregular functioning of the amygdula gland - The gland that gives you Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - Ohh Yes - To Top it all - I have the thing that Soliders yet - ( maybe why I like a uniform !! ) AND- They CANT treat me other than by tablets - as there is too much pressure in my head ( From all the thinking I do ;) !!! ) and the stress would further 'upset' the Amygdula Gland - and that is NOT a thing they want to chance !! GREAT !!

So - Back I go to Hospital - to see the Original Neurologist - WHO I DONT LIKE AT ALL = He puts me on an epilepsy drug - to try to combat the head aches - FANTASTIC - yes it did - BUT - It also caused HUGE problems concentrating, memory, judgement, speech, cognitive, ohhh - just about everything it could effect - it did !! I stayed on this for 2 YEARS !!! - Yup - No-body thought that the symptoms I was getting were made worse - by these bloody tablets !! - Anyway - im nearly four weeks into NOT taking them - and already I feel better - BUT - I still have HUGE problems with stress - I cant take any - I cant think what to do if things go wrong - I Zone Out - sometimes for hours - I sleep LOADS - and then not at all - I have no concentration, No relaxation methods, ALL My learning skills have deteriorated, My eye sight comes and goes, My speech comes and Goes, and OMG - I am the living proof that Doctor Jekeyll and Mr Hyde can exist !! lmao - That or THE HULK !! - One minute I am me - Happy, Smiley, Fun, Caring, Honest and Loving - The next - BLOODY HELL = I AM A BEAST FROM HELL - and this cannot be controlled - at all = I have since learned its due to immence raises and decreases in Cortisol - Like PMT but x it by 1000 !! Ohhh that's NOT all my symptoms - that's just a few off the top of my head - and that's not all my story - BUT = PHEW - im knackered now - and need to give my brain a rest !!

I'll be back !!!

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