Sunday 29 March 2015

Easy like a Sunday Morning - POSITIVE VIBES !!

Well - here we are again - I didn't quite make it yesterday - as My head was a bit - ermmmm Fuzzy and Stormy ( See Blog - My Illness ! ) so I spent the day being not very nice and Threatening to Top myself and well just  ' NOT MYSELF ' really ( Thank Christ I had Alan to come get me from Throwing myself under the nearest Mondeo in Morrisons Car park - LMFAO - God alone knows what took me there - Must be the call of the fresh coffee in their CafĂ© - but - there was a huge motorway 10 secs away - lmao - Why I didn't go there is anyones guess !! - The thought proceses I go though are WEIRD !! )  - I HATE those types of days - Today started about the same - BUT - whew whewww = Im BACK !!! = and Positiveness and Great Attitude and ALLURE from here on in !!

Its actually a guy I have been chatting to on Facebook that bought me back - He really is rather delicious - and everyone takes him wrong - me for one - Thinking he was just after one thing - when - in fact he is VERY SENSITIVE and just wanting people to be normal and themselves with him - instead of trying to chat him up and get with him - WELL - Met ur Match in me - lmao - Im just as good as you - and YOU should be trying to impress me !! - lol - he found my attitude a tad Negative and omg - even called me - YES ME - NEGATIVE - PERRRLEASE = ME - THE ABSTER = NEGATIVE !! - Not on my watch !! - So - I then spent the next god knows how long explaining - as ONLY a Pituitary/Thyroid Patient can HOW AND WHY I am NOT negative - and actually - I am the MOST POSITIVE person I KNOW !! = Why I felt the need to do this - is because I HATE people getting the wrong image of me - He even said that he had started to feel negative - as a result of talking to ME !! - OMG - well - that's opened a turrent of Messages - Poor bloke coped EXTREMELY WELL !! - and I don't think the saying - " like a dog with a bone " - was meant for anyone else BUT ME !! Anyways - HE CAME ROUND TO MY WAY OF THINKING !! - and he GOT that I am actually a lovely person !! - pmsl !! and now - he and I are getting on very well !! - WELL - I THINK SO ANYWAYS - I'l probably get back on facebonkers and find he has deleted me !!

This picture means an awful lot to me - in two main ways - FIRSTLY = The Aristocats = lol - MY MOST FAVOURITE FILM as a kid - Just Brilliant - and omg - I WANTED THOMAS O'MALLEY !! - Alan didn't allow me to call My son Thomas O'Malley = BUT - he is in my mind - ( He is still a Tom tho !!! ) OMG his tune is still with me to this day :
I'm like a chee-chee-chee-chee-rony like they make at home
Or a healthy fish with a big backbone, I'm Abraham De Lacy,Guiseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley the alley cat .......... - and I just love it. LMAO - Yeah yeah - ok ok - I wont sing the whole song right now - but saving that for later !!
The little lady in the picture is Marie - The kitten - ( My middle name is Marie ! ) and she is the coolest Most splendid Lil Kitten in the whole land - she is a sassy lil devil with ATT.I.TUDE  and ALLURE ;) - FABULOUS  - Mmmm - Maybe I shouldn't model myself on a Cat - But - IF I DID - IT would be her ;) ( Ladies DONT start fights - BUT THEY FINISH THEM ! - Just Brilliant - and yes - I did say this in her voice !! - OHH SHUT UP - YES SHE DOES HAVE A VOICE ! ) !! ....... Anyways after our swimming trip - that's what we are watching !!

Wow - and the Kids are getting stuff ready and Lunch has been had ( But gotta change my top as my boobs got in the way when I went for the bread !! - and I kinda got covered !! AGAIN !! Seems to happen to me a lot - That's what happens when u are blessed with Large Breasticles !! ) anyways gotta go get changed and feet on - and into GEAR !! - Ohhhh - But NOT Top Gear - That's ANOTHER story = and one that YES - I do have an opinion on - as I love J.Clarkson - and think he should NOT have got the sack - OK - he shouldn't have HIT the guy - But - he is renound for being Mouthy shall we say - and that's good - Opinions don't always have to be the same !!

Positivity is the key to everything - Be Positive and ye shall Move forwards, Negativity leads to Boredom and Unhappiness - NOW - I JUST MADE THAT UP - AND THINK ITS RATHER GOOD !! - lol xxx


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