Thursday 14 January 2016



Delightful, delicious, delectable, distinguished, 

dandy, divine, dynamite, dynamically attractive, 

dreamy, a delicacy, delicate, a david with dignity, 

desired, desirable, desirous, drop-dead gorgeous, 

diamond DAVID !! 

Yes - I'm a fan !!

If he were too be a smell - mmmm : 

The smell of good COFFEE brewing in the morning while still in bed. I just lie there with my eyes closed, breathing deeply through my nose.. , It can't get any better than coffee - seriouslyCoffee is one of the best smells and tastes, Just the smell of coffee gives me peace, Deep, Aromatic, Spicy, Sensual,  OK - So - Coffee and ....... RAINFALL - This smells the best after a long hot summer day, and then it storms. The time right after the storm leaves is the best. It's just the best way to smell freshness from nature! Rain is like the kisses of nature, so pure and fresh, glowing on your skin and so gentle .... and OK OK - i could go on all day - but one more - ohhhh my favourite would have to be CINNAMON = Spicy and erotic! What a lethal combination. Makes you hungry for the food containing it and also for the person wearing it ! You don't just smell Cinnamon you smeelll it !!! lol do David Tennant - Smells like Coffee/Fresh Rainfall and Cinnamon - Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

OK - So - I first Noticed David in ( obviously ) DR WHO and as 10 -  2005 - 2010 - ... ohhh sorry sorry - as The 10th Doctor - he was and OBVIOUSLY is the best = opps - THE BEST ... T.H.E. B.E.S.T !! 
When he first regenerated - ( OK - I'm talking as if you are a Whovian !! - Because - well - if your reading something named WHAT IS IT ABOUT ... DAVID TENNANT - !! - I'm PRESUMING you are a Whovian - and if you arnt - Well - JOG ON !! .... ) i was actually so very sad to see Chris Ellison Leave - as he had done a magnificent job of recreating The Doctor from the Bygone Age - and yup - i cried - along with many many people - and as i saw David come to materialise - After the 9th had said the never to be forgotten

 " - Rose - Before you go - I just want to say - YOU WERE FANTASTIC ( sobbing started around about now ) Absolutely Fantastic = and you know what - So was I " WHOOOOOOOSH .......

and yes - yes you bloody well were Chris - you did yourself proud - and i didn't think anyone would be able to follow you - especially this geeky looking guy with spiky dodgy hair and a very thin face - who looked at Rose - and just said 

" Hello - OK - Ohhh New Teeth - That's Weird - Now - Mmmmmm where was I - Ohhh yes = Barcelona " = He then did a kinda half wink and well - I was his !!! Omg that smile !! - That HUGE twinkly eyed, sparkling teeth smile - You cant help but to smile with him - and this gave him an edge already - he kinda gave the impression he was a big kid - His bright eyes glistened and he had a look that was a bit naughty and mischievous all at once - i couldn't wait for the next episode ...... Which took forever to come - !! He turned out to be a Stained glass window that shone and Dazzled in the Sunlight - BUT- when it got Dark - that's when he Rose ( No pun intended ! ) and his true excellence was revealed 

So - OK - My Dr Who experience began Brilliantly with Ecclestone - and he - to this day - is my fave doctor - BEHIND Tennant's 10 !! Before Chris - I can remember watching FROM BEHIND THE SOFA = Tom Baker / Peter Davidson / ( I don't remember Colin Baker ) / Sylvester McCoy - Who i remember i wasn't fond of ) / and Paul McGann - Who i recall made the film - and i was so very NOT AMUSED !! - lolol - Sorry Dr Who In Joke - !! Tooth n claw !! Brilliant !!  But - I could go on for ever with the Dr Who Ref's and the episode by Episode re-enactment - BUT I WONT !!! = lol - OK - But - I will tell you - OMG - John Barrowman / John Simm / Catherine Tate and Bernard Cribbins - OHHHHHHHHHHHH PERRRRLEASE - BEST TELLY EVER !!! 

See now I've gone and done it - I've mentioned my Fave Episodes and Now there is NO WAY i can pass up the opportunity to name my TWO favourite Number ones - lol - 

ohhhhhh 36 Episodes DT did in total and omg - OK - LOADS of catchphrases came out of those - 

but the main one - ALLONS-Y !! = BRILLIANT ! = ( Pardon the Pun - I know thats one too !! ) Always makes me smile that - BUT the best quote - for me  comes from VOYAGE OF THE DAMMED ! = Never forget that

The Doctor: Right then, follow me.
Rickston Slade: Hang on a minute. Who put you in charge, and who the hell are you anyway?

The Doctor: I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who is gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?

Rickston Slade: No.

The Doctor: In that case, allons-y.

BUT SOOO MANY OTHER FABULOUS QUOTES - Im going to keep remembering them now -

I don't think i can pick one - even two - lol Three or four Episodes that are Fav - So I will just natter !! - There were a whole host that were fabulous - Think I may well have to change this TITLE  from WHAT IS IT ABOUT ........ DAVID TENNANT - to - WHAT IS IT ABOUT DAVID TENNANT'S 10 !!! ;) There - Ive changed it now - and don't feel half as bad - and don't feel like i leading you guys into unknown territory ( IE - if I started on about David's Portrayal as Donald Peterson / Rodrick Peterson in NATIVITY TWO - DEATH IN A MANGER !! = But - never fear - i wont now - not for this blog !! ) ALTHOUGH !! ..... No no - Just a likkle joke !!

OK - So - I enjoyed The Christmas Invasion - and remember DT spent most of the episode in his PJ's - and omg - who can forget - ( Due to the Blood Control of the Sycorax )  IF THERES A BUTTON - WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO IF YOU SEE A BIG RED BUTTON - PRESS IT !!! - and then - another CLASSIC ONE LINER - Up on the Spaceship - Mmmmmm  - ( Remembering the Doctor's hand had been severed in an earlier fight ) he got up - and said i know what type of hand this is = IT'S A FIGHTING HAND - OMG - BRILLIANT !! ...

So OK - I guess- this was a good episode - I can remember it all pretty well - and that - in my case - must mean it was good !!! OK - The next few were nothing ( for me ) to write home about - they didn't create much of an impact- I enjoyed Tooth and Claw - but more for the fact that Rose was Trying to get Queen Victoria to say - " I am Not Amused "  - That really appealed to my Sense of Humour !! 

Then - I seem to be saying Ohhh My God - ALOT - so- I wont - !! - BUT - OMG = SCHOOL REUNION = ANTHONY HEAD - OK - For those that don't know - 

This is the Episode where Tony Head stars as a nasty Bat like Krillitaine disguised as the headmaster of a school where he and the teachers - where the Kids are being used to decipher codes from the Internet and their brain capacity has been enriched by special fat that the Creatures have added to the Cooking Oil for the chips !! Ohhhhhhh - I haven't mentioned who stars in this episode - Sarah Jane Smith - Played by Elizabeth Sladden - She was wonderful as Sarah Jane - one of my Favourite female characters - Anyways - Brilliant episode and Micky smashing the Doors at the end - and DT's Reaction when he saw K-9 = awww that was Just amazing - " Awwwwwwwwwwwww KKKKKKKKKKKKK-9 !! "  

DOCTOR: Oh, hey. Now we're in business. 
K9: Master. 
DOCTOR: He recognises me. 
K9: Affirmative. 

Just adorable to see !! BUT = It doesnt end there - The Doctor saves the day - with a little help from his friends and at the end - running through the School Hall - and K-9 - Mark 111 - Knowing that he has fallen into Disrepair- wants to Save his master - and says 

K9: Master. 

DOCTOR: Come on, boy. Good boy
(The Doctor tries his sonic screwdriver on the barrels of oil.) 
DOCTOR: They've been deadlock sealed. Finch must've done that. I can't open them. 
K9: The vats would not withstand a direct hit from my laser, but my batteries are failing. 

DOCTOR: Right. Everyone out the back door. K9, stay with me.
(The Doctor lines up the oil barrels for K9 to shoot at.) 
K9: Capacity for only one shot, Master. For maximum impact, I must be stationed directly beside the vat. 
DOCTOR: But you'll be trapped inside. 
K9: That is correct. 
DOCTOR: I can't let you do that. 
K9: No alternative possible, Master. 
DOCTOR: Goodbye, old friend. 
K9: Goodbye, Master. 
DOCTOR: You good dog. 

K9: Affirmative.
Soooooooooooo sad ..... and David played it so well - so calm and sensitive yet making sure ' The Tin Dog ' KNEW he was a GOOOOOOD DOG !! = Lovely ..

Then there ( FOR ME ) was a spate of non impressive episodes - ( OK OK _ Not Unimpressive - just nothing to boast about - they had some good one liners and some good characters - - Like balakaffalata - ) But then OMG - then PETER KAY arrived - with ONE of the best opening titles ive seen -

 ELO - MR BLUE SKY - Such a fab song - and now - every time i hear that ( and one other song - mentioned later ) I AUTOMATICALLY think of Dr Who - Now THAT'S clever !! 

Now - The Absorbatroff - Peter Kay did an amazing job playing the human absorbing monster , But - Ive gone off on one - The EPISODE - " LOVE AND MONSTERS " - ( and for once - The Dr and Rose appearing only very quickly at the end ) Was taken over by Marc Warren, who is a Dr obsessed Loner Elton Pope - who dances around to ELO and is tormented by finding this man and his strange box box that makes a funny noise  - So - the gets help from other like minded souls and - and well - LINDA is born - London Investigaion "N" Detective Agency - LI"D"DA - Basically - and VERY Short for me - The Absorbatroff - or Absorbaloff ( Im never sure which ) absorbs all members of LINDA Inc Elton's new found true love Ursula - and he is about to be 'Absorbed' himself when - That weird noise ..... 

VICTOR: Then join us. Join us, little man. Come on. It's everlasting peace. Come on. Join us. Dissolve into me. 
(Victor reaches for Elton, then gets distracted by a wind and a familiar sound. The Tardis materialises.) 
DOCTOR: Someone wants a word with you. 
ROSE: You upset my mum. 
ELTON: Great big absorbing creature from outer space, and you're having a go at me? 
ROSE: No one upsets my mum. 
VICTOR: At last. The greatest feast of all. The Doctor. 
DOCTOR: Interesting. A sort Absorbatrix? Absorbaclon? Absorbaloff? 
VICTOR: Absorbaloff, yes. 
ROSE: Is it me or is he a bit Slitheen? 
DOCTOR: Not from Raxacoricofallapatorius, are you? 
VICTOR: No, I'm not. They're swine. I spit on them. I was born on their twin planet. 
DOCTOR: Really? What's the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius? 
VICTOR: Clom. 
DOCTOR: Clom. 
VICTOR: Clom. Yes. And I'll return there victorious, once I possess your travelling machine. 
DOCTOR: Well, that's never going to happen. 
VICTOR: Oh, it will. You'll surrender yourself to me, Doctor, or this one dies. You see, I've read about you, Doctor. I've studied you. So passionate, so sweet. You wouldn't let an innocent man die. And I'll absorb him, unless you give yourself to me. 
DOCTOR: Sweet, maybe. Passionate, I suppose. But don't ever mistake that for nice. Do what you want. 
VICTOR: He'll die, Doctor. 
DOCTOR: Go on, then. 
VICTOR: So be it. 
DOCTOR: Mind you, the others might have something to say. 
VICTOR: Others? 
URSULA: He's right. The Doctor's right. We can't let him. Oh, Mister Skinner, Bridget, pull! 
URSULA: For God's sake, pull! 
VICTOR: No, don't - get off, get off! 

and this is where Ursula's head kind of gets transformed into a paving slab and Elton Wanders round with it - as a kind of momento - and thats it - Ursula is alive - alive and talking - and well - all a bit odd esp with Elton  explainin  that he and Ursula have a good relationship and even manage some sort of love life - this - I DONT WANT TO IMAGINE !! = BUT - It works - and it so very well done !

FEAR HER - was the next episode = and David was ona roll - Ohhh brilliant - Funny, Smart, Sad - ohh so many different emotions - and ohhhh i'll never be the same hearing  The Kookaburrah Song - But - Basically - Fear Her was about a young Girl Chloe Webber - who drew pictures from reality - and they went into a picture - inc a picture of her father who was abusive and a real nasty piece of work - drew him in her wardrobe - as you do - and the picture came to life   Very well done - but from what i believe - People didn't like it - God knows why - i thought it was scary and funny and sad - everything you want in a Dr Who Episode -   

CHLOE: (sings) Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be. 
(Chloe turns from the window and starts drawing on a piece of paper.)

Then there is the Dr's few Funny one liners - Ohhh OK - maybe it's just me - BUT - I laughed !!

DOCTOR: Danny ??????? cycled in one end but never came out the other. Whoa, there it goes again! Look at the hairs on the back of my manly hairy hand. 
ROSE: And there's that smell. It's like a er, a burnt fuse plug or something. 

DOCTOR: There's a residual energy in the spots where the kids vanished. Whatever it was, it used an awful lot of power to do this.

Then theres the bit with the cat - ohhhhhh This part im not too keen on - Being a HUGE Cat lover - BUT - Ohhhh how can anyone be upset by DT not liking cats - Ohh ok - NOT DT - But Dr 10 !!

DOCTOR: No, I'm not really a cat person. Once you've been threatened by one in a nun's wimple, it kind of takes the joy out of it. 
(The cat goes inside cardboard box.) 
ROSE: Come here, puss. What do you want to go in there for? 
(There is a distant meow. The box is empty.) 
ROSE: Doctor! Phew. 
(The smell is very strong.) 
DOCTOR: Whoa! Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo. Ion residue. Blimey! That takes some doing. Just to snatch a living organism out of space-time. This baby is just like, I'm having some of that. I'm impressed. 
ROSE: So the cat's been transported? 
DOCTOR: It can harness huge reserves of ionic power. We need to find the source of that power. Find the source and you will find whatever has taken to stealing children and fluffy animals. See what you can see. Keep them peeled, Lewis.

Ohhhh Clever - and funny !! - Perrrrlease - agree with me !!

Then there was the lines between with the council worker - Kevin ?? and Rose - Ohhh now -that was funny -

KEVIN: No! You, stop! You just took a council axe from a council van and now you're digging up a council road! I'm reporting you to the council! 
(Rose then finds the tiny spaceship.) 

See - now i'm definately off on Dr Who EPISODES - BUT - OMG _ The writing and the Construction and production and casting were superb - esp in those episodes i have mentioned- i have watched them time and time again - and MAINLY because DT is in them but - How could you not enjoy these episodes ??

FEAR HER is the episode with one of the best DT end lines i can remember -

ROSE: You know what? They keep on trying to split us up, but they never ever will. 
DOCTOR: Never say never ever. 
ROSE: Nah, we'll always be okay, you and me. Don't you reckon, Doctor? 
DOCTOR: There's something in the air. Something coming. 
ROSE: What? 
DOCTOR: A storm's approaching.


ARMY OF GHOSTS / DOOMSDAY - omg - The two arch enemies of 10 - well - ok - of all the Dr's - both brought together in one episdode - Im not 100% sure - BUT - I think this is the first time this has been done - esp as a series finale ?? Ohh this also saw Freema in a part BEFORE Martha - and It's Roses story realy- " The Story of how I died " -  The tearful ( and sobbing / wailing / whimpering ) Onslaught that this bought was overwhelming - The Dr and Rose - Saying goodbye on Bad Wolf Bay Beach - I could write a HUGE chronicle of this - BUT  im afraid the computer would blow up as the amount of water this usually brings from my eyes is staggering !!

ROSE: On your own. I, I love you. 
HOLOGRAM -DOCTOR: Quite right, too. And I suppose, if it's one last chance to say it, Rose Tyler ........................................
(The Doctor vanishes. He stands in the Tardis, crying, as Jackie runs go comfort her sobbing daughter.)

THATS IT - I'M A MESS !!! - Ridiculas - I wanna give him a hug = Don't matter bout Rose - she has Jackie and well - loads of people but Dr ....... He has - ........

DONNA BLOODY NOBLE = OMG - I LOVE DONNA NOBLE - AND  If i have to pick one episode - OBVIOUSLY = The Adipose one where she re-finds the doctor - after searching and ohhh the comic sketch that ensues is just perfect -


You cant beat Donna as the Comic Companion - then there's the bit with the Doctor Donna - and she also introduces us to Wilf  ( her grandad ) - Ohhh I know I'm skipping LOADS - but this Blog would be soooooo long if i didn't !!

Donna is definately my Fav Companion - " Space Boy " - omg - she is just wonderful - so many one liners and the way she interacts with DT is fabulous - you can just tell that they get along brilliantly -

and ok - this little lot all came before my next favourite Episodes / Utopia and Sound of the drums - and - heres my second piece of music that is ohhhh totaly DR WHO when i hear it - Scissor Sistors " I Can't Decide" The way John Simm mouths to it is just EPIC !!!

and ok ok - ive skipped Utopia - But - How can anything fail that has both Derek Jackobi AND John Simm cast as the same character - well - thats just it - IT CANT FAIL !! = Captain Jack Clinging to the TARDIS - Hurtleing through space - Where Prof YANA ( OMG I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS ) Trys to save all of Mankind - - Then YANA is revealed as THE MASTER and regenerates into the FABULOUS John Simm - AND THEN IT ALL BEGINS - The Drama - The Comedy / The Crying / The Edge of Seat - Eyes Wide Open - Cant breathe Senario that was just the lead to the real masterpiece  ( - awww - and JACK - Ohh Captain Jack Harkness - BRILLLLLYANT !!! - Gotta LOVE JACK ) = Such a MIND-BLOWING AND ASTONISHING three parter -

David is kinda out of the limelight here - with John Simm bursting through as The Master and keeping us all on our toes - BUT - DT  is there - as the old decrepit Dr and well - you kinda know its him - so cleverly done - and then - omg - and then there is the part - nealry at the end - where the Dr is transformed back to his former self ...... Ohhhhhhh Thats totally ohhhh spine tingling - every hair stands on end - absolutely over whelming - it's brilliant writing and acting and direction -

MARTHA: No, because I gave them an instruction, just as the Doctor said. 
(Martha stands up.) 
DOCTOR [memory]: Use the countdown. 
MARTHA: I told them that if everyone thinks of one word, at one specific time 
MASTER: Nothing will happen. Is that your weapon? Prayer? 
MARTHA: Right across the world, in word, just one thought at one moment but with fifteen satellites. 
MASTER: What? 
JACK: The Archangel Network. 
MARTHA: A telepathic field binding the whole human race together, with all of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time. And that word is Doctor. 
(Zero. The Doctor and his cage starts to glow.) 
MASTER: Stop it. No, no, no, no, you don't. 
JACK: Doctor. Doctor. 
FRANCINE: Doctor. 
MASTER: Don't. 
CROWD [on monitor]: Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. 
MASTER: Stop this right now. Stop it! 
LUCY: Doctor. 
JACK: Doctor. 
MARTHA: Doctor. 
CROWD [on monitor]: Doctor. 
(The Doctor is back to his previous centegenarian form.) 
DOCTOR: I've had a whole year to tune myself into the psychic network and integrate with its matrices. 
MASTER: I order you to stop! 
CROWDS: Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. 
LUCY: Doctor. 
DOCTOR: The one thing you can't do. Stop them thinking. 
(The Doctor is back to his normal appearance.) 
DOCTOR: Tell me the human race is degenerate now, when they can do this.

Staggering - Then - OMG - THE NEXT HEART STOPPING MOMENT - Ohhh I'll just write as i remember 

JACK: Been called that before. Sir. Ma'am. But I keep wondering. What about aging? Because I can't die but I keep getting older. The odd little grey hair, you know? What happens if I live for a million years? 
DOCTOR: I really don't know. 
JACK: Okay, vanity. Sorry. Yeah, can't help it. Used to be a poster boy when I was a kid living on the Boeshane Peninsula. Tiny little place. I was the first one ever to be signed up for the Time Agency. They were so proud of me. The Face of Boe, they called me. Hmm. I'll see you.  
MARTHA: It can't be. 

DOCTOR: No. Definitely not. No. No. ( Ohhhhhhhhh 10's face here is a picture and the expression in his voice - wonderful - so so well done - and everyone is just aghast .... Jack - The Face Of Boe ) 

Ten didnt really get many more mesmerising moments - well - ok he did - but i probably had my eyes shut as was too scarey for me !! - I love The one where all the companions reunite - and Harriet Jones brings everyone together to help save the earth and bring it back to its rightful place in the galaxy after the Daleks have moved it !! - Its brilliant and - ok - here is where the DOCTOR DONNA appears - 

DONNA: Because you two were just Time Lords, you dumbos, lacking that little bit of human. That gut instinct that comes hand in hand with Planet Earth. I can think of ideas you two couldn't dream of in a million years. Ah, the universe has been waiting for me. Now, let's send that trip switch all over the ship. Did I ever tell you, best temp in Chiswick? Hundred words per minute. 


ohhhhh and then she did it - Donna Noble - Temp from Chiswich - she only went and saved the entire bloody universe - and she did it MAGNIFICANTLY - with laughs and love and patience and Doctor Donna Charisma - Just brilliant - But - everything that is good - COMES TO A BLOODY END - 

DOCTOR: And how does that feel? 
DONNA: Brilliant! Fantastic! Molto bene! Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you could fix that chameleon circuit if you just tried hotbinding the fragment links and superseding the binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary. (gasp) I'm fine. Nah, never mind Felspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin. Shall we do that? Shall we go and see Charlie Chaplin? Shall we? Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester. Charlie Brown. No, he's fiction. Friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton. 
(This time it hurts.) 
DONNA: Oh, my God. 
DOCTOR: Do you know what's happening? 
DONNA: Yeah. 
DOCTOR: There's never been a human Time Lord metacrisis before now. And you know why. 
DONNA: Because there can't be. I want to stay. 
DOCTOR: Look at me. Donna, look at me. 
DONNA: I was going to be with you forever. 
DOCTOR: I know. 
DONNA: The rest of my life, travelling in the Tardis. The Doctor Donna. No. Oh my god. I can't go back. Don't make me go back. Doctor, please, please don't make me go back. 
DOCTOR: Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so sorry. But we had the best of times. 
DOCTOR: The best. Goodbye. 

DONNA: No, no, no. Please. Please. No. No

So So Sad - even worse than Rose - Mmmmmmm - No - Ok - Maybe not that bad - That was TERRIBLE - But Wilf Opened the door to find Dr standing there holding Donna - and omg - his face : - " - She was better with you Doctor " - Ohhhhhhhhhh - She was - she definately was - but - There are planets safe in the sky because of Donna - and we have our memories - and she was a wonderful part of them - Ive not mentioned Wilf - But - as this is about DT Mainly - I dont feel too bad - BUT - Wilf is WICKED !!!!! 

WILF: No, no, no. But every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I'll look up on her behalf. I'll look up at the sky, and think of you. 

DOCTOR: Thank you

Compassion - thats what he has - Compassion - and dignity and warmth - a lovely character 

Then - For me - The next important one - David's Swansong - the end - the last time as 10 - ( Maybe !!!! ;) !! ) Somehow the wonderful John Simm emerges from the dead as The Master and omg - strikes hell unto earth - Wilf, the character June Witfield witting plays, 

Ohh and all star cast really comes to help DT make this memorable - BUT - It's a bit OTT for me - I didnt like the Over Powered Master and i couldnt really keep up with all the death and destruction and still cant quite work out about the land fill site - BUT - at the end 10 visits all the companions in turn - each with their own little senario and then Rose - Rose is the last - She doesnt know him - 

DOCTOR: 2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year. 
ROSE: Yeah? See you. 
(Rose runs off. The Doctor staggers painfully back towards the Tardis.) 
SIGMA: We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending, but the story never ends.

[ Back in the Tardis]

(Golden energy streams from his hand. He sets the Tardis going.) 
DOCTOR: I don't want to go. ( Thats it im off snivveling and sobbing, torn up , broken and now grieving - My Doctor - That was MY DOCTOR - GONE  ...... )

(The golden energy regenerates David Tennant, and starts a lot of fires in the Tardis. 

So Thats what I remember of DT on Dr Who and ok - I go on a bit - and remember things that maybe arnt quite right - but - please - HOW CAN HE NOT BE YOUR FAVOURITE ?

There is alot more to say about David But - wow - this has gone on forever !! - so - I think i will end this now - and if you have stayed with me to the bitter end - OHHH IM IMPRESSED !! = and thank you so much .... please leave comments and share and subscribe etc etc !! 

I hope i did him proud !! xx

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