Wednesday 27 January 2016


And - It's sooooo true - I really do believe -

But - all for the best - because - we all understand one another, We seem to Understand looks and interpret different smiles and facial expressions in our own way -
WE seem to understand that - 'Yeah - That person is smiling on the outside - but - Inside - They are CRYING ' - and then we battle our own demons to help and make That person feel better
and Bonkers people - we get along - and have a laugh where laughing isn't really a thing to be had - and well - WE ARE ALL WONDERFUL - and we all appreciate each other !!!

People who are 'Normal' and i know there is no such thing as 'Normal' BUT - People who 'Get along'

- -
Basically they were a group of Pre-teen animals that endorsed Teamwork and Friendship - Such a shame it all went out of the window when 'things' happen in real life !! )

in life - wander through there everyday occurrence with not a thing that's .... Different - ....
Nothing out of the ordinary - no - 'odd' or 'weird' happening's,
No Illness to Moan about, Nothing Spectacular going on in their 'existence' -
Just everyday 'Norm' - That is happening to a lot of people in the same society - People who 'chose' to adhere to popular Rules and Principles - People who conform to a type or a standard =
Yeah - That's what Normality is - PURE AND SIMPLE - Because if you are 'Abnormal' due to Illness - You are NOT choosing, or bringing it on yourself  - and so -
Your automatically classed as 'Abnormal' ----- Mmmmm does that even make sense ?!

There ya see - They just needed me to help - and I'd log the whole lot in just a few simple - easy to understand words - Don't need all this LA Dee DAR about Physiology and Psychology and and other OGY's that there are .....


OMG - Abnormality - and i have to spell this out - literally - ' AB normal ITY !! ' - Ab - normal - LMAO - I'm so not - and i love being me - and being me - is being different !! -
( lol - even though a lot of you may have no idea what i am going on about - A LOT OF YOU WILL!! - HURRAH !! )
Omg - stop laughing Abby - This is not helping your case to be normal - OHH I DON'T WANNA BE NORMAL - SO - Carry on laughing - insainly - THAT'S FINE !!! PMSL xx

OK - I thought something there and i am going to type it anyway - as it is actually what i think - NORMAL PEOPLE ARE BORING !! There - i've done it - I'd hate to walk along in life and not have fun and see silly things out of nothing and be reminded of things that that nothing to do with a conversation - just because someone mentioned a certain word - It's Brilliant !! I love to laugh at myself - and i love to make others laugh - and OMG some of the things i have done are utterly ridiculas - and thing's i have said make no sense - but - OMG I'm funny !! = and surely - Being funny - and entertaining - BUT LOVING IT - is better than having no sense of humor, and being unable to laugh and unable to make jokes and smile - because really - is there anything better than smiling ?? REALLY SMILING - ?? No - I don't think so ! ( I'm NOT thinking of David Tennant In a Plunge Pool underneath a waterfall at this moment - with a rubber ring ( Pmsl - Not for the Piles ) but holding a Coffee for me - and ok - he can have a beer - ohhh and Strawberries - and Marshmallows - YUM !! Ohhh OK - THAT'S BETTER THAN  SMILING - SHOVE YA SMILES - I WANT DAVID DESPERATE AND LONGING FOR ONLY ME !!! )

OK OK = - ( No - It's not four days later !! ) But - i have to stop laughing and try to remember what the bloody hell i am talking about - and really i should re-name this - as ohhh no - normal and abnormal - maybe i should just call it - DOWNRIGHT BONKERS !! = lol !! Cause now - I have utterly no idea where i was or what i was saying - But - I STILL KNOW MY OWN NAME !! - Mmmm - BUT - As i'm kinda in the process of a Divorce - PMSL - I don't know my name - as I could be Abigail Collin-Barry, or I could be Abigail Collin - Or Abby Barry ( But that sounds like a bloody telly tubby ) or Abby Collin = OK - HOLD THAT THOUGHT - I don't know my own name - so - NO HOPE FOR ME !!

Nope - Ya see - I can't make sense of what I have read then - But - i just kind of KNOW that many people will relate ! - I can literally keep on like this for hours - and hours and hours - and all the EX or Mother will do is look at me and say - " Abby - I need a break " - But - Be fair - TRY BEING ME - i don't get a thought from my breaks - ohh no - i mean a break from my thoughts - They carry on and on and on like a Duracell Bunny - Never stopping - never stopping - now i'm thinking of Dougal from the Magic Roundabout - No = Not Dougal - Zeebadee !! Fucking mad that thing was - bounce bounce bounce - see - HE WAS NOT NORMAL !! See - Laughing again - and it's not even that funny ! - BUT my head is literally going at 1000 words a second - and i'm just typing as i think them !! -

omg - Now i'm remembering the Doctor Donna ( Sorry - HUGE { in every sense } DR WHO FAN

Donna Noble: I thought we'd try the planet Feldspoon. Just cause. What a good name, Feldspoon. Apparently it's got mountains that sway in the breeze. Mountains that move, can you imagine?
The Doctor: And how do you know that?
Donna Noble: Because it's in your head. And if it's in your head, it's in mine.
The Doctor: And how does that feel?
Donna Noble: Brilliant, Fantastic, Molto Bene, Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you can fix that chameleon circuit if you just try hotwiring the fragment links and superseding the binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary
Donna Noble: ... I'm fine!
Donna Noble: Nah! Nevermind Feldspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin. Shall we do that, shall we go see Charlie Chaplin?
[picks up phone]
Donna Noble: Shall we, Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester, Charlie Brown, no he's fiction,
[puts phone down]
Donna Noble: friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton.

OK - and for those that don't know - Ohhhh - Your not worth telling - go watch Doctor Who - HOW COULD YOU HAVE MISSED IT - THAT'S A DISGRACE * Yes Caps are on - I'm TELLING YOU OFF * !!

Anyways - that's what it's like in my head - lmao - Without the Intelligence - ok ok - I have a bit of Intelli.thingy !! - When i can be bovvered to bring it out - it's just like - I prefer to be ...... Me - Daft and Funny and a Tad Nutttttttter !! ;) !!

OK - Head's actually hurting now - and i'm trying to remember to tell you - OK - Yeah - People seem to be drawn to me - Other 'People' who have 'issues' - lmao - and we'll we always seem to get on like a house on fire - and alright this may not be very PC - but - Well - I'm NOT Mentally Whatever the word is - Mentally illness'ed !! = I have got two Pituitary Tumors which make it look like i am !! - Apparently My actions and re-actions are very similar to Psychosis and Bi-polar all mixed into one !! lmao - and i shouldn't say 'Nutter' - But Frankly if the cap fits - and it generally does - I do look like a nutter - and well - ALL THE BEST PEOPLE ARE !! = I TRULY believe that and do NOT say it in a derogatory way !!

OK = so - just last night - 1am - OK - This morning - Two cats - Staring each other out and making that god dam awful noise they make when they are just about to fight - well - I turned on all my lights - stomped downstairs ( and no - i'm not thinking of Hale and Pace now doing THE STOMP - Google it if your interested - it is fab - Ohhh ok - I WAS THINKING OF IT !  ) The EX - who had left the keys in the door - which usually have been removed due to my ermmm tendancies to wish to kill myself at 3am - were still in the door - so - I opened it - non too quietly - and went to the middle of the street = In my Pyjama's - no slippers = and started VERY LOUDLY  forgetting that it was 1am = To tell these VERY NAUGHTY CATS THAT THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR AND THEY SHOULD BE FRIENDS AND NOT FIGHTING - welllllll = Both cats looked at me - Looked at each other - and no word of a lie = Went for each others throats - WELL - I was most put out - Anyways - Just as I was getting closer to them - a ... what can only be called an accelerated winged sprightly Supersonic ball of fluff ran past - the size of a large dog - a black ball of lightening went past me PDQ like a bullet from a Gun - Then - all you heard was my piercing washer woman like scream of PEGGGGGGGATY PAWZZZZZZZZZ - COME BACK HEREEEEEEE - but - she was gone - Like a Jet propelled Speedball = Then -  the EX - Alan came out of the front door

- THANK GOD T'shirt and PJ bottoms in place - and he half asleep = thought i was, well - A FUCKING LUNATIC and was trying to wake the entire neighbourhood with my beautiful singing i think ! ! I TRIED to explain about the cats - He isn't a cat lover really ( or a dog lover - or .... OK I'LL STOP THERE !!! )  - but - I managed to tell him Peggaty had escaped and ran in thus direction - and i pointed towards a light that had just come on in number 8 !! Ab - Go inside please - he asked very calmly and nicely - I'll get Peg - Bless him = He still thought i was trying to warble my way into next years The Choir i think - I do happen to like Gareth Malone - I think he is Fabulous - BUT - I don't think id make it into the Great Choir Reunion - well - I defo won't as i wasn't there in the first place !!
Some reunion - if they don't remember me - I'd be so upset - pmsl .........
Anyway - I got inside and Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - Derek AND Rodney ( I knew it wasnt Rodney as he is a real Poofy cat - BUT Del - Well - he is a 'ard cat and he could well have started the fight )  But They both came to me and were fine ..... All i then heard was Alan - " - Come on ol girl " = and then i saw - OMFG - Peggaty limping and Alan having to help her into the front door - She had over done it - TOTALLY - Her arthritic limbs giving up - BUT OMG SHE WAS PLEASED WITH HERSELF - She had stopped those naughty cats !! = She had TWO Rodeo Bones = and then slept for the rest of the night - This morning she is stiff - but ok - and well - I did get one or two funny looks from the neighbours - But - nothing Lingering - THEY DON'T DO LINGERING LOOKS AT ABBY for fear of what may come about !!
APPARENTLY this behaviour is not normal - and I should NOT be doing it - BUT WELL - I STOPPED A FIGHT - with the aid of SUPERRRR DOGGGGGGG !!

OMG - all that and there is just one senario there - i amy have to do another blog with a few more of the funny antics i have gotton up too - Mmmmmm = BUT ATM i'm knackered and my heads BUZZING  and i better MEDICATE WOMAN MEDICATE - Just to calm my head down !!

So Best get outta here - hit the road - make tracks - split - run - roll - take off - Catch ya later - Laters - Flipping out - SEE YA !!!!!!

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