omg - this is tooooo insain - LMAO AND IM NOT INSAIN !! - IVE BEEN TOLD !!
I went to bed last night after not being able to remember how to turn the fecking TV on - well - I knew how to turn it on - but not how to work the bloody remote thingy to get the sky on and change channel - so - well that' set me up for a Storm - I Told all the Animals they were Parasites and they shouldn't think that im doing everything for them - and NO Derek - I DONT WANT ANOTHER BLOODY CUDDLE - I didn't care how cute he was being or how purry he was ( Is Purry a word ?? ) I was having none of his attention - PeggatyPawz sat and watched with her sorrowful eyes - and that made me feel even worse thinking I couldn't give her the attention she wanted and I was making her bloody depressed - THEN Rodney sat there and just started going Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - then put a bloody paw on my leg - its something out of a bloody film it really is - and all the time im shouting at them that they are burdens and I cant deal with their constant attention seeking and I will either have to have them all put down - or sent to the shelter - OMFG I SAID THIS OUT LOUD TO THEM - which made me cry even more .....
Then Mum txt to say she was coming over AFTER COOL TRICKS - AS IT WAS A GOOD ONE !!and as I hadn't replied and she was worried - I replied to say I hadn't got a txt and I was ok and she watch the TV - EVEN THO I WAS BLOODY FURIOUS AND FELT AS THOUGH I HAD NO-ONE - I didn't want to Burden her - as she has Dad - who has Parkinsons and im so very worried - and omfg im off again, anyway after about 5 texts and two calls that I wouldn't take as I was too upset - I explained that I was going to go to bed - and id txt her in the morning !!

I go upto bed - after letting PeggatyPawz out, and filling her water up, OMG She is drinking loads so that probably means she is in liver / kidney failure and gonna kark it soon - crying all over again = then cleaning the cats out for the millionth time today - feeding them for the 100th and ok - I did give them a kiss of the head each - but they knew I wasn't happy - and they were not now as they both had wet heads !!
Up I went - and remembered that I hadn't checked the bloody water for the cats - so down I go and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im sure derek escaped - but - none too sure - I watered them - and went upstairs - cleaned my teeth - washed my face and sprayed WHAT I THOUGHT was deodorant - IT WAS BLOODY SHAVING FOAM - ok - now im in floods again - and smelling lemony fresh = ITS NOT FUNNY ...... Got into bed and checked phone - Nothing from either kids - No good night or anything - They were at Bingo - and having a fab time without me - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - Off again ! ffs 0 I drive myself mad !! Then - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - Chirp = OHHHHHHH DEREK - YOU LITTLE SHIT - " BRRRR he said " YOU DID ESCAPE - I grabbed him - and stormed downstairs to put him with Rodney = He kissed my arm - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love him - Kissed his head and put him on sofa - and shut the door - STORMED BACK UPSTAIRS AGAIN .... Back in bed - 9pm - FFS Kids and Ex away - and I only got up at 5pm - and im back in bloody bed again - I should be out partying or - at least DOING SOMETHING - yet im exhausted !!
I check my phone, NOTHING, and go to sleep - I actually drift off immediately - which I don't usually do - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - BLOODY WAKE MYSELF UP BY SNORING !!! - ohhh sod off - like you don't snore ! anyways - get up have a wee - back to bed - quick drink as so thirsty = and then straight to sleep again !!
5am - Crying - No-one needs me - No-one wants me - Im never going to get a Boyfriend - because im scatty and bloody ill - Always going to be alone - AND I HATE BEING ALONE - and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im off again - deep deep low - so I get up - make the bed - shower - put on clothes - come downstairs - put on make up - feed cats and dog - let dog out - - make a coffee - clean litter tray - GAG - and then what do I do make a youtube video - as you do !!
Then I go on Facebook, add a few replies to peoples comments and status's - al normal - and not upsetting etc - cause I hate to make people realise how SHIT I feel !! = I drink coffee, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quick tweet - and Google+ update - Then Ohh I MUST Hoover and MOP the floors !! - OF COURSE YOU MUST DO THIS AT 6.30AM !! My poor neighbours - so - OMG Cat litter tray again - this is now the third time THIS MORNING !! - Put Bin out as it is bin day - once again - sorry neighbours for the noise - but the bin was heavy and I ran over my foot ...... Came back in - wet - as it was raining and im in a strappy top and trouswers today - not really wet weather gear - but - IF YOU WEAR SUNNY STUFF - THE SUN WILL COME OUT - ....... OHH YES IT WILL - and omg - CAT LITTER TRAY AGAIN - This is ridiculas = Im gonna have to stop feeding them - Hoover AGAIN - as Derek decided he needed to cover the entire front room with litter - JUST TO COVER UP THE BLOODY SMELL - and then omg - I throw airwick insence all over myself - NOT ON PURPOSE YOU DOPE ! - I spilt it by mistake - so - for the next 60 days im gonna smell of Freeshia and Vanilla - NICE !
Now I decide to make ANOTHER YOUTUBE video - to show the difference in me now !!! - OMG- I WENT ON FOR ABOUT 7 MINUTES !!! I can talk when I want too !! Well - when its about me !!
Back to Facebook and had a lovely lovely message from a great friend - well - she wasn't great - but she is now - pmsl - ohhh you know what I mean - she has always been a friend - since Cassia been at school - but we have only recently started talking properly - and now - omg - ohhh im gonna copy and paste her message as it was soo lovely ...............................................
Just watched your vid.. Don't you dare think that people don't need you that's so not true!
Cassia and Tom need their mum no matter what you're going through please just cling to that!
I know this is just one of storms and you'll be ok later.
You're very much loved Hun not just by your children and family. I think you're an amazing woman I really do!
I still think you should write that book! It would be a best seller!
HOW LOVELY WAS THAT !! . ......... Sophie Fowler - I love you dearly - and you should have recognition for being an amazing friend ! - THANK YOU !! Many people don't bother to watch my videos - and cant be arse to comment - ok ok - not cant be arse - but PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY - I get that - BUT - If people are feeling bad - I always ask after them - and im always first to get in touch - I don't understand the mentality of some people - ok - maybe I just have too much time on my hands and think too much !
Anyway - omg - I watch a video on facebook - once again I will put it here - so you can see my sort of sence of humour
and then I started thinking of what Sophie said - and well - here is my thoughts - and ok - maybe I will make it into a book !! = lmao - don't think it will outsell 50 shades tho - AND OMG - IVE STILL NOT BEEN ABLE TO WATCH IT AS I CANT WORK THE BLOODY MACHINE !! PMSL - MR GREY - WAIT FOR ME !! ;)
Now im Hungry as I didn't eat last night - ohh yes- I had half a jacket potato - now IM STARVING !! - so wil have a yogurt and another coffee - Mum wil be around after she takes Reg to the vets to check on his leg ( He just had it repinned after a road traffic accident ) and then we may or may not go out for coffee - not sure yet !!
but I 'll be back !!! ;)
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