Before you read my Blog - PLEASE watch this link below - it's only two minutes - and I do so hope it may change your view or make you more passionate about STOPPING STEROTYPING FOREVER !! Just have a quick look - and come back to me !!
NOW - HOW GOOD WAS THAT !! - Ive posted this link everywhere - and so want it too go Viral - It deserves too - Its just fabulous and the mastermind behind it it a brainbox -
Now - People that KNOW me - know I have a thing about Stereotypes - I get stereotyped DAILY - and it so doesn't bother me - ( Mmmmmm - I don't think it does !! ) Ive been called a Lesbian, Common, Aggressive, Moody, Vain ( hahahahha me vain - ohhhh ok I take this one !! - SOMETIMES !! ) Changeable, Self Centered, Superficial, Grumpy - OHHH THE LIST GOES ON !! Literally - it does go on and on - BUT - There is always a reason behind MY behaviour - mainly due to my tumour - BUT Stereotyping appearance (such as hygiene and selection of clothes, hair, Tattoos etc) are functions of personality, Do we have the right to question someones Personality ?? Someones Physical appearance affects their happiness, self-esteem, and success - Have we the right to judge ?? I BELIEVE NOT ...
This even goes as far as Children - yes = it starts right at the beginning - Good-looking children are treated as social superiors, NO NO - THINK ABOUT IT - THEY REALLY ARE - because in society, stereotype says that popular people are good looking. Conversely, children who are deemed to be not as attractive are often treated as inferior and daft in comparison to the other children. Think about it - You know someone who this has happened too - I can guarantee it.

I found this study - and OMG its fun - and the emphasis is on names - STEROTYPEING AT ITS BEST !!
Lets say you had 11 children, I'll describe them and you name them (first and middle).
1) A boy, "emo", black hair, blue eyes, sweet -
2) A girl, "goth", pyromaniac(likes fire) -
3) A girl, funny, bubbly, sweet -
4) A girl, very religious, a bit stuck up -
5 & 6) Twins, a boy and a girl, mischievous and troublesome, both have blonde hair and green eyes -
7) A boy, sporty, tanned, "prep" -
8) A boy, ladies man, brown hair and brown eyes -
9) A girl, loves vintage, "indie", wavy light brown hair, green eyes, opinionated -
10) A boy, very smart, loves computer games, caring, romantic, black hair -
11) A girl, she 'gets around', bisexual, drinks, parties but still maintains good grades -
The best answer :
1) Ryan Alexander
2) Ruby Renee
3) Emily Grace
4) Victoria May
5 & 6) Kai Jacob and Leah Mackenzie
7) Thomas Alfie
8) Steve Nicholas
9) Indigo Faith
10) Ethan Samuel
11) Tracie Scarlett
see what I mean - its disgraceful !!!! And starts sooo young !!! =
There are so many different Stereotypes - and all because whenever we don't have a good understanding of a subject, say, of people or countries, then we tend to make assumptions about them some are good and some bad - as with all things - but for example :
Negative Stereotypes
Obviously the first one - All fat people overeat or don't excersise
Talking with an accent makes you Common or thick
Tattoos are for Sailors, Criminals and Sluts
All Gingers are lesser people
All blond women are dumb.
All red heads are sluts.
Christians are homophobic. They are blinded by God and will recruit you if you go near them. All politicians are philanders and think only of personal gain and benefit.
If I wear Goth clothing I'm a part of a rock band, depressed, or do drugs.
Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
Guys are messy and unclean.
Men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks.
Men who are not into sports are termed as gay.
All librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face.
Girls are not good at sports.
All teenagers are rebels.
All children don't enjoy healthy food.
Only anorexic women can become models.
Women who smoke and drink do not have morals.
Men who like pink are effeminate.
Positive Stereotypes
All Blacks are great basketball players.
All Asians are geniuses.
All Indians are deeply spiritual.
All Latinos dance well.
All Whites are successful.
Asians have high IQs. They are smarter than most in Math and Science. These people are more likely to succeed in school.
African Americans can dance.
All Canadians are exceptionally polite.
French are romantic.
All Asians know kung fu.
All African American men are well endowed.
Italians are good lovers. -
There are other types of Stereotype from Gender to Race - and every country has their own idea of stereotypical ideals = Its accepted that is is a way of over simplifying groups of people
BASICALLY - ( Otherwise this could go on and on ) There are other reasons why people look and sound and behave, dress differently !! - People should start to look outside the box - and ask themselves questions before judging .... and - if thinking - IS IT ANY OF OUR BUSINESS !!! ;) !! WOW - I FEEL LIKE I WENT BACK TO SCHOOL THEN FOR A MINUTE - NOT MY USUAL TYPE OF BLOG - AT ALL - AND SORRY FOR THE RANT - BUT - WELL - I NEEDED TO GET THAT OUT !!
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