Last night - Watched STEP BROTHERS
with the kids - and ok - maybe it wasn't appropriate
but such - CLASSIC LINES -
"Today I saw my own son use a bicycle as a weapon. You yelled rape at the top of your lungs."
"You know what gets my dick hard? Helping out my friends."
"One time I wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands."
"Brennan, that is the voice of an angel. Brennan I cant even make eye contact with you right now. Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus".
“This is going to sound weird, but for a second, I think you took on the shape of a unicorn.”
" My ballsack touched your drum set " -
All of us in utter hysterics from start to finish !
Then ! - bed - and ok - had the usual screams ( lmao - from me ) and then ABOUT TO get into bed - decided i wanted a book - OHHH WHY DO I HAVE TO BE LITERATE !! The whole bedside table fell apart - Vibrating devices, Oils, Batteries, Books, Dice, Blindfolds, Feathers omg . .... EVERYTHING CRASSSSSH ( NO ) BANG WHALLOP onto the floor -
KIDS race in -
"Are you ok, are you o.......... WHATS THAT MUM - .... "
ohhhh shit - shout at them to get out - ( because im bad & shout ! ) and then i clear the 'items' off the floor - place in bag and place safely in wardrobe - ok - fling back the bedclothes and JESUS WEPT - IT'S THAT FUCKING SNAKE AGAIN My 13year old ( bd tomorrow ) thinks it is SUCH FUN to put a really life like snake into my bed - this is now the third time - and as my nerves are shot ( i wonder why ) i go BANANANANANANANANA S !! anyways - Snake thrown to other side of room - cats pounces on it ! - ok - that's fine -
Cats then decides to have a full scale military assault on the snake - and being the velociraptor's they are - take it in turns to concur the slimy beast .... NOISILY ! .. but - to top it all - i needed the loo by now - and ffs - walked through the hallway only to tread on a dead mouse - ( Thank you Derek Rodney - aforementioned velociraptor's ) and while cleaning up the carcass became more and more desperate for the loo - and after two kids and a huge amount of weight - Zips getting stuck and my pelvic floor is not what it used to be - JESUS WEPT - screamed -
" and to top it all i pissed in my fucking onesie "
- to which BOTH kids erupt in delight - and came running - i have no dignity or shame - and we all fell about in hysterics -
Thank Christ i have the MOST ridiculas sense of humor -
Who could cope without being able to laugh at oneself !!
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