Friday, 16 September 2016


OMG Not even 9.30am and ALREADY I have caused mayhem !
The one time in my entire life that i decide to throw caution to the wind and go with my gut - 
and who is behnd me - Ohhhhhhhhh Just guess !

Image result for british police officer in car

I ran the Red light and next second - Lights and sounds screeching like an angry Pterodactyl start and im there - bewildered - not knowing if i should stop the car and just get out and run, run for my life - ( yeah - a little ott even for me ) or sit and ask the nice officer what for the life of me i have done ( Holds ample bosom here ) - as i seriously DON'T HAVE A CLUE ( OK - OK - a litttle white lie won't hurt ! )
- I turn the music down - a rather good tune playing - and pull over - yes - in that order - well - my seat belt is on at least !
I pull into the side of the road and stop - Handbrake on - and wind the window .... Ohhh it's already down - Mmmm - Weird - cant remember opening that !! - SMILE !!!
Well - The cop came to the window and he was actually totally, out of breath, 
as he was laughing so hard - 

UNBELIEVEABLY UNPROFESSIONAL was my first thinking - and i was a little perterbed ...

Image result for unprofessional

Well - I do actually sit - open mouthed - and just look ... it was the weirdest sight ever - a laughing policeman ! ( ohhh so soso close to doing it here i can tell you ! ) BUT
The guy calmed down enough to talk -
" You know that you ran the red light
( I nodded - so sowwwwee OCCIFER ! )
" and yes - that is very very bad - and you should never ever do that again - lucky it was early and no-body was about - BUT i'm not going to give you a ticket "....
I just looked - still bewildered 

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.......... " because SERIOUSLY - ( and he did over emphasise this ) That was the funniest thing, i have EVER seen, and my colleague can't even get out of the car because he is going to pee himself laughing ....
I looked at him still totally aghast ??? ...... " I don't understand ?? "
" Well - you had become so engrossed in the song you were listening to and because you were so busy HEADBANGING - and yes - we know the song - and both my partner and I started to sing at the very minute you crossed - we could HEAR YOU COMING ! All three of us were headbanging as you jumped the red !! ( Your rendition of the line " Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me, for me, for meeeeeeeee " - is most memorable - but - what did it for us was the fact that after the headbanging you let out an almighty " Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " as you actually just went straight through the light ..... Not at all responsible Madam ....
opps !

Image result for opps

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