Back soon for more Fun Abby Adventures ;) !!
Please excuse my intellectual ignorance and bear with me while i go into Tourettes Mummy Mode .....
WELL !!!!! - ....................... ( OK Deeeep breath here - Relax - No Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ing going on - ohhh ok - maybe just a little ) ........................
First night that the EX had kids last night - and all went WONDERFULLY - UNTIL, 10 Year Old Daughter rang me up - ' Mum you know Scarlett ?? ..... Yup - I know Scarlett - and then she TOLD me that she was going to see her NEW secondary school - with her friend Scarlett and Scarlett's mum and ( The EX ) Dad TOMORROW at 9am - and they could NOT pick me up - because - if they did they would then be late ............ That was the almost EXACT telephonic communication that i had -
Well, Me being the Shrinking Violet that i am .... WENT DEMENTED and hit the roof !! -
THEN my illness kicks in ( must be due to the Huge rush of Cortisol ) and That's it - I was gone !! Screamed EVERYTHING at everybody and slammed phone down, then phoned Son and went mad at him - because he said it was all ok and it did not matter - then phoned EX who said he was not talking to me and He was doing more important things, as he had the kids round - and HE PUT THE PHONE DOWN ON ME
Please find below an EXACT copy of a text that i then sent
Well almost 19 hours later he STILL has not replied -
WELL - then went into manic fits of sobbing - what do i do ? -
PHONE MOTHER !! - Who was having Dinner with family - Well - 10 mins later she was round - Dad sat in Car - ( I saw him geting out - but - due to his Parkinsons - HE drives me Crazy when i am in a 'Storm' and so I SCREAMED at them from the open window - for dad to get back in the car - BLESS HIM - Back he shuffled !! - If ONLY he had a stash of Fudge in the Car - he would have been fine - and i would not have then spent the next HOUR worrying about him, and mum being here, Mum being Shouted at, Aunt n Uncle being left mid fish and chips - Peggaty The Dog Pacing because of all my shouting - and my Daughter - and my son and the next door Neighbours and the Fucking Man three doors down who keeps revving his Fucking Motorbikes Fucking Engine - with me in full knowledge that he DOES NOT NEED TO !! and Breatheeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
Well - I Ranted for over an hour - Mum drank her coffee - Dad sat in Car - Dog Paced and people walked past - looked in - and got told to mind their own beep beep beep business !!! Beeping People !
OK - so - then Mum left - I had calmed down HUGELY ( only 9 Diazepam ) and I phoned Son - who said a lovely Goodnight - and also then Rang Daughter = Who also Said Goodnight ..... THEN I text Daughter to tell her that i wanted an EXACT rundown of the school and she was too take photos - and draw maps - and If there was any Hunky Men - then she was to pop the boot of the car and push them in !! - Being 'my daughter' she hangs onto the last remarks - and said that if there were any hunky men - then she would NOT be coming home - PMSL !!!! - She's ten !!!!! - OK - so - come to terms that i won't be going round my only daughter's secondary school with her to choose - BUT THE EX WILL ..... but - thats ok - as he has an appointment in Canterbury Tomorrow - so he can go to the school and then go to the Appointment -
I think the word Bassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstard was used here a few times - and yes - with added emphasis on the letter S !!
I REALLY have no idea what is going on - as ONE MINUTE the EX is lovely and saying he will help me do the figures and help do the garden and help with this and that - and next minute he is saying something different .......
I still swear he is not doing anything nastily - he just does NOT think, he REALLY is NOT a nasty person, and i still believe - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FFS maybe im stupid - But - I still believe we are friends ........... I REALLY DON'T EVER WANT ANYTHING FROM HIM AGAIN - But i would never see bad of him .... and i'm sure he would not of me .....
I did mention that if i made a decision to have said daughters Ears Pierced - as she is so desperate for without his consent - then HE WOULD NOT BE HAPPY ..... She is OUR daughter and this needs duel consent - surely ???? Then to add insult to injury - he says that if i want to go - then to go and have a look and ask for an appointment - KNOWING FULL WELL I CANNOT GET OVER THERE
well - I still, have not heard a thing - NOTHING - and
Today is my Daughter's school fair - and i have no-body to take me - as Mum is in Canterbury with Aunt and well - No-body else is about, So the school Fair is on - ALL BLOODY WEEK I HAVE BEEN SENDING THINGS IN, every day AND GETTING DAUGHTER TO MAKE PRETTY JARS filled with goodies AND IM NOT EVEN ABLE TO GO !!! Every Fair I have made so far - and this one - HE can't even be bothered to ask if i want to go - OBVIOUSLY I WANT TO GO - but - due to my illness - i cannot drive any longer and I can't go anywhere without someone - incase i freak out - BUT I SERIOUSLY NOW BELIEVE THAT HE THINKS IM MAKING IT ALL UP - Even though he has been at every appointment with me ..... and KNOWS the score ....
Well - He is expecting to bring them back at 3.30pm - HAVE DINNER THAT HE EXPECTS ME TO COOK - and then HE is taking kids to Scouts and Skating - while i sit here twiddleing my thumbs, as i have since Weds -
ohh no - HANG ON - i can do the washing up - OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BITTERNESS IS A BAD TRAIT !! - Must snap out of it !
Actually - Just instaled Instagram too - so i have been doing that and it's great - although i can't find out how to message people !! But - I have uploaded photos and well - thats about it really - i don't even know if i am meant to tag people in it - or what ?? I should read up about it really !
Ohh I have done ALL THE HOUSEWORK - and the kids have their school uniforms ready for next week done, and the garden has been de-pooed !!! DOG - WE HAVE A DOG !!
Ohhhhh and i have had 6 pints of coffee !! - and NO - MY HYPERACTIVITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COFFEE - NOTHING I TELL YOU - NOTHING !!
But - and i have photographs to prove it now !! - I have come out in massive bruises and OMG MY BUFFALO HUMP HURTS - yes - i am the living breathing Quasimodo !! - I do have a Hump = But apparently - lots of people with Pituitary Brain Tumors / Cushings do ...... But - OMG Mine Hurts now ........ Really sore - inside it aches ... weird
OHHHHH WOW - NOW - YA SEE = THAT'S REALLY HELPED - I don't feel as though i am going to attack anyone - i do in fact think i wish to mow the lawn - BUT - as my arm is still killing me from the last attempt - i dont think this is a good idea - ohh and i am WAITING NOT VERY PATIENTLY for a guy to pop round to see my rubbish - i would rather him just take the bloody rubbish - rather than just see it - but apparently - he has to quote .... Im sure by the time he has looked - he could have had it in his van and taken it half way to the tip - but no - Mmmmmmm Thought goes into Quoting to take away rubbish FFS !!! - Anyways - Thought he would be here before Lunch - and ok - it's only 2.30pm now - but = please it's friday - does anyone work beyond 2.30pm on a friday ??!! and daft thing is - anytime a bloody car goes past - i turn to see if it is him - and OUCH - it hurts to move my bloody head !!
But - i did have a lovely surprise this morning - a delivery - from whom i do not know - of a lovely lovely - thought provoking DOORMAT !! - Now - this is not just any old door mat .... Please see photos !!
is'nt that wonderful !!!
So if DT comes to the door - he KNOWS im in !!
Now i just need to know who sent it !!
But - quit while i'm ahead - !!!!
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