Friday, 24 June 2016

Thank F**K it's FRIDAY !

Back soon for more Fun Abby Adventures ;) !!

Please excuse my intellectual ignorance and bear with me while i go into Tourettes Mummy Mode .....

Image result for mummy swear jar

WELL !!!!! - ....................... ( OK Deeeep breath here - Relax - No Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ing going on - ohhh ok - maybe just a little ) ........................

First night that the EX had kids last night - and all went WONDERFULLY - UNTIL, 10 Year Old Daughter rang me up - ' Mum you know Scarlett ?? ..... Yup - I know Scarlett - and then she TOLD me that she was going to see her NEW secondary school - with her friend Scarlett and Scarlett's mum and ( The EX ) Dad TOMORROW at 9am - and they could NOT pick me up - because - if they did they would then be late  ............ That was the almost EXACT telephonic communication that i had -

Well, Me being the Shrinking Violet that i am .... WENT DEMENTED and hit the roof !! -
THEN my illness kicks in ( must be due to the Huge rush of Cortisol ) and That's it - I was gone !! Screamed EVERYTHING at everybody and slammed phone down, then phoned Son and went mad at him - because he said it was all ok and it did not matter - then phoned EX who said he was not talking to me and He was doing more important things, as he had the kids round - and HE PUT THE PHONE DOWN ON ME
Please find below an EXACT copy of a text that i then sent

Image result for no text"As soon as YOU have the kids, then YOU start making decisions about MY CHILDREN without THEIR MOTHER.... THATS AS LOW AS YOU GET ... USING THE KIDS TO GET AT ME "

Well almost 19 hours later he STILL has not replied -

WELL - then went into manic fits of sobbing - what do i do ? -
PHONE MOTHER !! - Who was having Dinner with family - Well - 10 mins later she was round - Dad sat in Car - ( I saw him geting out - but - due to his Parkinsons - HE drives me Crazy when i am in a 'Storm' and so I SCREAMED at them from the open window - for dad to get back in the car - BLESS HIM - Back he shuffled !! - If ONLY he had a stash of Fudge in the Car - he would have been fine - and i would not have then spent the next HOUR worrying about him, and mum being here, Mum being Shouted at, Aunt n Uncle being left mid fish and chips - Peggaty The Dog Pacing because of all my shouting - and my Daughter - and my son and the next door Neighbours and the Fucking Man three doors down who keeps revving his Fucking Motorbikes Fucking Engine - with me in full knowledge that he DOES NOT NEED TO !! and Breatheeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!

Image result for and breathe

Well - I Ranted for over an hour - Mum drank her coffee - Dad sat in Car - Dog Paced and people walked past - looked in - and got told to mind their own beep beep beep business !!! Beeping People !

OK - so - then Mum left - I had calmed down HUGELY ( only 9 Diazepam ) and I phoned Son - who said a lovely Goodnight - and also then Rang Daughter = Who also Said Goodnight ..... THEN I text Daughter to tell her that i wanted an EXACT rundown of the school and she was too take photos - and draw maps - and If there was any Hunky Men - then she was to pop the boot of the car and push them in !! - Being 'my daughter' she hangs onto the last remarks - and said that if there were any hunky men - then she would NOT be coming home - PMSL !!!! - She's ten !!!!! - OK - so - come to terms that i won't be going round my only daughter's secondary school with her to choose - BUT THE EX WILL ..... but - thats ok - as he has an appointment in Canterbury Tomorrow - so he can go to the school and then go to the Appointment -
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I think the word Bassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstard was used here a few times - and yes - with added emphasis on the letter S !!

I REALLY have no idea what is going on - as ONE MINUTE the EX is lovely and saying he will help me do the figures and help do the garden and help with this and that - and next minute he is saying something different .......

I still swear he is not doing anything nastily - he just does NOT think, he REALLY is NOT a nasty person, and i still believe - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FFS maybe im stupid - But - I still believe we are friends ........... I REALLY DON'T EVER WANT ANYTHING FROM HIM AGAIN - But i would never see bad of him .... and i'm sure he would not of me .....

I did mention that if i made a decision to have said daughters Ears Pierced - as she is so desperate for without his consent - then HE WOULD NOT BE HAPPY ..... She is OUR daughter and this needs duel consent - surely ???? Then to add insult to injury - he says that if i want to go - then to go and have a look and ask for an appointment - KNOWING FULL WELL I CANNOT GET OVER THERE

well - I still, have not heard a thing - NOTHING - and


Today is my Daughter's school fair - and i have no-body to take me - as Mum is in Canterbury with Aunt and well - No-body else is about, So the school Fair is on - ALL BLOODY WEEK I HAVE BEEN SENDING THINGS IN, every day AND GETTING DAUGHTER TO MAKE PRETTY JARS filled with goodies AND IM NOT EVEN ABLE TO GO !!! Every Fair I have made so far - and this one - HE can't even be bothered to ask if i want to go - OBVIOUSLY I WANT TO GO - but - due to my illness - i cannot drive any longer and I can't go anywhere without someone - incase i freak out - BUT I SERIOUSLY NOW BELIEVE THAT HE THINKS IM MAKING IT ALL UP - Even though he has been at every appointment with me ..... and KNOWS the score ....

Image result for he knows you know

Well - He is expecting to bring them back at 3.30pm - HAVE DINNER THAT HE EXPECTS ME TO COOK - and then HE is taking kids to Scouts and Skating - while i sit here twiddleing my thumbs, as i have since Weds -


ohh no - HANG ON -  i can do the washing up - OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BITTERNESS IS A BAD TRAIT !! - Must snap out of it !

Actually - Just instaled Instagram too - so i have been doing that and it's great - although i can't find out how to message people !! But - I have uploaded photos and well - thats about it really - i don't even know if i am meant to tag people in it - or what ?? I should read up about it really !

Ohh I have done ALL THE HOUSEWORK - and the kids have their school uniforms ready for next week done, and the garden has been de-pooed !!! DOG - WE HAVE A DOG !!

Ohhhhh and i have had 6 pints of coffee !! - and NO - MY HYPERACTIVITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COFFEE - NOTHING I TELL YOU - NOTHING !!

But - and i have photographs to prove it now !! - I have come out in massive bruises and OMG MY BUFFALO HUMP HURTS - yes - i am the living breathing Quasimodo !! - I do have a Hump = But apparently - lots of people with Pituitary Brain Tumors / Cushings do ...... But - OMG Mine Hurts now ........ Really sore - inside it aches ... weird

OHHHHH WOW - NOW - YA SEE = THAT'S REALLY HELPED - I don't feel as though i am going to attack anyone - i do in fact think i wish to mow the lawn - BUT - as my arm is still killing me from the last attempt - i dont think this is a good idea - ohh and i am WAITING NOT VERY PATIENTLY for a guy to pop round to see my rubbish - i would rather him just take the bloody rubbish - rather than just see it - but  apparently - he has to quote ....  Im sure by the time he has looked - he could have had it in his van and taken it half way to the tip - but no - Mmmmmmm Thought goes into Quoting to take away rubbish  FFS !!! - Anyways - Thought he would be here before Lunch - and ok - it's only 2.30pm now - but = please it's friday - does anyone work beyond 2.30pm on a friday ??!! and daft thing is - anytime a bloody car goes past - i turn to see if it is him - and OUCH - it hurts to move my bloody head !!


But - i did have a lovely surprise this morning - a delivery - from whom i do not know - of a lovely lovely - thought provoking DOORMAT !! - Now - this is not just any old door mat .... Please see photos !!

is'nt that wonderful !!!

So if DT comes to the door - he KNOWS im in !!


Now i just need to know who sent it !!

But - quit while i'm ahead - !!!! 

Image result for quit now funny

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