I have Just seen a post on STREETLIFE
that has said there is
No Police Presence In the Bay -
WOW - That got me thinking -
( and that could be a disaster ! )
And i am going to share a few details with you guys -
You may wish to grab a Coffee an Digestive ! - I have a feeling it could be a long one !
I am up in Herne and this week alone i have seen 5 police cars - OK - they are driving past my house ;) - But so ......
OK People - You need to think !! =
My daft ex called them to me last weekend - Don't worry - I'm NOT a Bitter EX who is going to Rant and Rave about the guy - he actually is a nice decent fella - he just can't put up with my illness ! - so nope no dodgy slanging match i'm afraid !
I have an invisible illness - medical - not mental - ( I have a couple of Brain Tumors that have caused LOTS of other ailments ) and they make me sometimes look very Aggressive, Loud, Sweary, Sad, Suicidal, or - the other end of the spectrum - i get very hysterical - and find everything funny and i over exaggerate stuff !
Once medicated - it stops - The Tumors Shrink !
I am inoperable - So - Stuck like this now, But Thank God I am Positive and Confident and Outgoing and I Try ( I try - that's not, I'm trying ;) !! )
Anyways ...
So, back to the EX - Instead of telling me to medicate -
The EX ( of 20 married years ) sat in car antagonising me for 30 minutes ( Saying that he was worried ) - with all the doors and windows open !! When i could eventually get up - I slammed the door shut - complete with a few VERY LOUD expletives -
I apologise to all my neighbours !
( Well - Actually - i don't because i can NOT help it - or stop it )
When he eventually drove off - I could think and Medicated, then went to bed - lol - only to be woken up by police, who had walked in ( Complete with Large dog barking ! ) asking if
" Had i threatened to kill someone ? " - to which my reply was " -
" Yup - and if you had been here - i would have threatened you too " I don't believe in beating around the bush or lying - there is no point !
- But - It is all well and good saying these things - but never have i acted on anything - except towards myself ..... The Police were superb, let me get my words out - and waited until i could get downstairs ( I get very giddy and lose balance / Orientation ) - and then i explained the situation ..
Once I was able to tell them it was purely illness the reason i had 'exploded' and NO - I was not and am not a Menace to Society, ( Ohh - ok - Sometimes i am a little bit mischevious - but - never anything that requires someone to uphold the Law ! ) they were fine !
But - These Two Police Officers, They could not have been more helpful - understanding - empathic and non judgemental -
As it is - I don't go out without someone anyways just in case
- so yup - housebound ! - At 40
So - EX decides to call police to TRY to get me arrested for my behaviour - I was in no way worried about this - I can not be arrested for something out of my control - yes - they could have taken me in, to calm down - lol - but fact is - i had medicated and was calm - Just ill - and in fact - Taking me in when i am 'storming' would have made matters 100 times worse - I am aware of this - and have since asked that a file be opened and in it put to TELL ME TO MEDICATE - if my name ever comes up again !!
The meaning of this post !
The times I have been in Herne Bay - and had people stare ( OK - Now due to my Tumors I am huge in weight and don't shy away - so am usually dressed very brightly too - and on that note - i understand and am fine with people looking !! ) but I have actually had people point and whisper / snigger / laugh / or look very irritated when i have been taken ILL !
No - This is not paranoia !!
I am an Online Blogger / YouTuber and Try my Hardest -
To help others
To make others feel better about themselves.
Yet i seem to be faced with
- where i have lived for the last 40 years !!
Why can people - who have either known me by sight - or known me through someone else - not come up and chat to me -
I am very approachable and friendly - Yet - Instead of asking if i am ok - or asking what the problem is -
They chose to Stand and Point and Stare etc etc

I have been to Many Places -
Seriously Herne Bay is the worst I have encountered
BUT - I do believe it is because people have seen the change in me !!
Yes - it is unbelieveable, I have gone from Fairly shy and a larger than average weight - to being extrovert and hugely obese ..

BUT are we not meant to be a COMMUNITY ??
Are we not meant to help our own ?
Well - I'm sat here - with my ( Cough Cough = I will not mention age as she will kill me ! - ) Mother helping, as and when she can -
She is very well known about the town too !!
and - lol - I know i am not easy to work with if i am ill - ( Actually - I can be a right old cow ) but
when i am 'me' - lol -
omg - i even love myself

But - I hate being dependent on my own mother
Everyone THINKS i have 'a good support network ' and
I do have people who i can ring ( My Aunt and Cousin and BFF's ) - and people i can FaceTime with -
BUT - Is that enough for a 40 year old single parent of two BRILLIANT kids ??
I want to get out with people my OWN age - and meet people - and chat - BUT - no-body is available - ( does NOT help that i have an aversion to noise ( Even though i can make enough for everyone !! ) ohh and lights - ohh and lots of people are not a good idea - That is usually a trigger to set my head off !!
Mum is away next week - a few days - and Mum had to ask a friend of my daughter's, Parent, to take her to brownies -
Because -
I can't drive anymore, even though she kept telling me - i kept ignoring or forgetting to ask - and alot of you know - I was always about the town - either bombing around in my Red 'paws' Qashqui - that i love - Or on one of my Large Motorbikes - But Now - NOTHING ! ....
OK - Maybe this all sounds very self absorbed and very negative, But, It's NOT meant to be - There MUST be others out there - Like me - Who do not see anyone - yet - people THINK that they do !!
JUST THINK - The Mad Crazy Cat Lady from Up the Street - ( Ohh No - Thats me !)
When did you last see her ?
When did she last see anyone ?
COULD YOU NOT POP IN ON HER AND JUST SAY HELLO - She would probably love that !! ( Then she can stop trying to engage the poor young postman in conversation - and he can rest easy at night ;) !! = Oh sorry - that's me again !! )
Please take a second TO THINK when you are out and about - Erratic Behaviour is often caused by Medical or Mental issues - and
- Could be the thing that a person needs to help them out of their 'rutt' ....... NOT that it will cure - BUT IT COULD HELP !
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