How many times do we Fat people - ( OK - those who don't like being called FAT for whatever reason - please just substitute the word for Fluffy or Cuddly or Squidgy - Whichever is your personnel preference BUT - Be aware - If you are OVER a size 0 - YOU ARE FAT - and if you don't like this - Do something about it - Unless - Like me - You CAN'T due to Medical Problems - Then JUST GET ON WITH IT - AND ACTUALLY LOOK IN THE MIRROR, AND SING WITH ME
Big girl, you are beautiful
Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said, "Hey girls, you are beautiful"
Feels like a big balloon
I said, "Hey girls, you are beautiful"
Diet Coke and a pizza please
Diet Coke, I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful"
Diet Coke, I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful"
You take your skinny girl
I feel like I'm gonna die
'Cause a real woman
Needs a real man, here's why
I feel like I'm gonna die
'Cause a real woman
Needs a real man, here's why
You take your girl
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said, "Hey girls, you are beautiful"
Feels like a big balloon
I said, "Hey girls, you are beautiful"
Diet Coke and a pizza please
Diet Coke, I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful"
Diet Coke, I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful"
You take your girl
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And they'll be calling you baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
Big girl, you are beautiful
OK - So - Your FAT - Your NOT cuddly / fluffy / curvy etc etc - YOUR FAT - and if you call yourself this - then - It wont be deemed as an Insult - GET OVER YASELVES !!
OK - Now - Your probably thinking this girl ( Girl - Ohh I love me - Im 41 and still think of myself as a girl !! ) is probably a size 10 and perfect - COULDNT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH !!!! I'll pop a picture of me in here - just so you can see !! - It was taken yesterday !! - So - No old photos here ! lol ............................
The main things to remember about Dating Websites - From a FAT person's point of view - Is - Most guys have 'issues' - and are only there for a quick shag !!
They think we are desperate - and we will 'go' with anyone !!
lmao - Then the men meet me ! - I am TRYING to educate them !!
A Short Sharp Shock springs to mind !! - Once they behave and talk nicely - then I WILL STOP SHOUTING AT THEM !! -
From the start get them Understanding that
(4) YOU ARE POSITIVE AND CONFIDENT ( OK - Some of you have to work on this ! )
(5) YOU ARE NO EASY LAY ( To put it simply ! )
OK - So - Lets start at the Beginning
You have signed up - Go for a name that (1) you remember - and (2) is fun yet describes you ! ( Mine on most of my profile is Abigail007BBW !! - and lots of people had made remarks that it is good !! - I am ME - I interrogate - and IM FAT !! Easy !!
got your Password
your ready to Fill Out your Profile :
OK - WITHOUT A DOUBT WRITE ONE !! - Shows you have taken the time and trouble and your serious !
Lists are BORING - Anyone can write - I'm funny, smart, Kind and love animals - and be none of the above - so
Instead - Make it into a story - I will include my profile here to one site - Just so this could kinda bring that last sentence together for you !! ( If you can include a short video - ( some sites won't allow this ) - TRY TO - Because this helps guys ( Who really are simple creatures ! ) It helps them to get a feel of you !!! OK - so - MY PROFILE !! .....
BRITISH GUYS ONLY ( quit with the 'your racist' stuff - I'M NOT AT ALL - It's just i am attracted to Typical British guys ! - Some people are not spell bound by FAT women - i'm NOT insulted !! )
THATS ME ... 27/01/16 !!
Watch it all - then you may 'understand me more !!
I'm the sort of girl who Owns a Unicorn called Dave - NO - I'M NOT MAD ( OK - Maybe a little - but - all the best people are ! )
I'd make you a Coffee and a Bacon Butty, so you were not late for work !! I would WAVE FRANTICALLY AT YOU After GIVING YOU THE BEST KISS OF YOUR LIFE!...... you cant wait to get back to me!
NOT here for a shy guy with just a few hours to spare, ! -
I want your Chat, Time, Effort, and Playfulness ! BECAUSE I'm WORTH IT ! ( Shaking head here ! )
BTW I txt - ALOT !
Oh n your going to have to play with minions in Tesco's with me !! USING VOICES !!!!!!
lmao - Ohh BTW YES - I AM FAT ( HENSE THE BBW IN TITLE ) - I'm ill - ( I dont mean i sleep with my brother ;) ) - I have a Pituitary Tumor or two ;) = If your interested - Look it up - TALK TO ME ! - IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS - JOG ON !!!
COME CHAT WITH ME !! - MEET FOR COFFEE & CHAT = SPARKS - OHHH AND YOU HAVE TO DRIVE TO ME - I'M NOT BEING STOOD UP IN AN UNKNOWN PLACE - I'LL BE THERE ( forrr youuuu - when the rain starts to fall- Ohh sorry - got carried away ! )
OK- so - It's long BUT MORALISTIC - the interested ones WILL read it - and if they don't read - then, SHALLOW - They have just looked at your photos ! THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING BUT 'FUN' !! lol - It really is THAT SIMPLE !! So check out your Visitors regularly !!

OK - Always be Truthful - Don't tell them what they want to hear - BUT - be true to yourself - If they have a cute smile and a 'glint ' in their eye - TELL THEM !! = Men - without a doubt LOVE compliments - even though they won't admit it - If you like them WITHOUT stubble - tell them - Likewise - if you like them With - tell them - THEY SHOULD WANT TO PLEASE YOU !!!
If there are questions to answer ( A few sites have now brought these into play ! - ) They are fabulous for getting you together with the same beliefs - and im not taking religion - im talking emotionally and Interest wise !! - The questions are kinda fun too !! - so always worth while doing them !
Try to update your Profile Picture Monthly - Because it gets listed usually that its updated - and then gets you more views - So thats handy to know huh !!
OK - So- thats your profile done ! - IT DOES TAKE AGES - and to be fair - i go back weekly and re-adjust mine - not only does this show that your thoughtful - but - it shows your taking it all very seriously !!
Also - If you get hints from guys - ie - "Wow thats long - and we can see your big" - Then - go on your adjustments and take a little out ....... Listen to your audience !!
This i will list - as it's easier,
Profiles are almost certainly fake / Players / Married / Not Sincere if there is at least a few of these committed below ! :
(2) That photo is of a young ( Could be older chap - but of overly good looks ! ) GORGEOUS model type - in a studio / obviously posing !! I will try to inc photos here !
(3) Names are not their own - Men USUALLY won't put much thought into there names on dating websites - and so will tend to just use their first name - maybe their last too if they are really genuine - Guys like 'JamesBigDick' or 'BenDover' or 'RomeoRomance' are usually Players and / or just after one thing - But - I kinda think this is obvious ??!!
(4) There is NOTHING in the Profile
(6) The profile has not been linked to another site ( Generally if the site is linked to Facebook - and you can go onto facebook and check out friends and family - Then - THIS IS THE GENUINE GUY !! This is the guy you wanna talk too !!! - )
(7) Won't give you a number - But says they want to meet
(8) Asks for a Number too quickly ( You have to judge this - BUT - if they ask too quickly - then - basically they are up for a Cyber Sesh - THERE AND THEN !! lol - and then you won't hear from them again )
(9) Talks and talks and talks and then disappears, after YOU think he is THE ONE ! - but then the next day - is online again and NOT talking to you !
(10) Talks about sex almost immediately
(11) Does not ask about YOU !! QUESTIONS - WE LIKE QUESTIONS !!
(12) The old ' Bear with me I'm Shy ' Line does not really wash anymore - They are NOT shy when they are IN THE MOOD !! - Ditch these guys too !! ( After making sure they really are not shy - lol - Because some people do just need bringing out of their shell !! )
I REALLY REALLY HOPE THIS HAS HELPED ............. and Remember
* BEFORE you meet - exchange phone numbers - BE CAREFUL !!
* SPEAK TO THEM, AT LEAST, ON THE PHONE ( Don't meet someone you have not spoken to )
* SKYPE - as it makes their intentions DEFINITE !!
* MAKE THEM COME TO YOU - OK - ( Maybe you pay for coffee ) - But - If they come to you - Then YOU can't be stood up and it ruin the entire day -
* If they can't drive - Then THEY GET THE TRAIN / BUS / TAXI
* If they have no money / mention money - They are not going to be able to Sustain a relationship with you are they / They will expect you to keep them entertained .......
* If they send willy pics - Ohhhhhhhhh well i try to find them on facebook and send the photo to their mother !!!! ;) - That usually stops them !! - YOUR WORTH MORE THAN THAT !
* If you can - find out surname / place of work etc - if genuine - then they will have no issue telling you - Google search !! - OMG - THIS IS MAKING ME SOUND LIKE A LUNATIC NOW !!
But seriously - MOST people are on Google somewhere - These people are GENUINE ! - If they are hiding from Google = What else are they hiding from and why ???
* If you can't phone them - THEY ARE MARRIED - NO-ONE WORKS THAT MUCH !!!
* If you keep contacting them, and they never take the initiative - DITCH THEM - They are not bothered .. So why should you be ??
Ohhh - I could write a book on this - there is sooo much - lol - and this started as a BBW BEST DATING WEBSITE PAGE - lol - it would have been better to start there !!! lol
Reverse order again - thats me !!