Friday, 29 May 2015

Blogging in a Pituitary Tumour / Cortisol - PTSD LOW - SUICIDAL - CRISIS TEAM INVOLVED

Blogging in a Pituitary Tumour / Cortisol - PTSD LOW - SUICIDAL - CRISIS TEAM INVOLVED

Ok - I have been asked to BLOG while in a low - and ok - here it is - ( I have taken 5 x Diazapam to TRY to calm me down so this may show as I type ??! )  I am bloody totally and fucking unbelieveably sobbing as I fucking type - unable to fucking stop - no control - I feel totally bloody low and unwanted and ffs unrespected and not bloody useful and not needed , I DONT FUCKING WANT TO BE HERE - I HATE THIS FUCKING LIFE - ITS NOT ME - THIS ISNT ABBY- FOR FUCK SAKE- I AM FUCKING HAPPY - NOT A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH ... why do I fucking bother going on - BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE LIFE, I LOVE MY KIDS AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND ANIMALS - But = If I go - then THEY ARE SET FREE, they no longer have to see me so fucking bloody upset - or so utterly desperate - Fucking Rocking in the corner - and have to listen to the bloody incessant moaning and fucking irritating over analysing and Paranoia - Its totally exhausting for them - as well as me, I CANT FUCKING STOP AND I HAVE A FUCKING HEADACHE AND PRESSURE IN MY HEAD - AND I CANT STOP THINKING PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE ME JUMP - OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFS

( Added Later ! - Cortisol is a steroid hormone, in the glucocorticoid class of hormones, and is produced in humans by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex within the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress and low blood glucose. )

I am Rational with it ( Added later - I AM NOT RATIONAL - AND ALOT OF MY WORDS THAT COME OUT MAKE NO SENCE !! ) - I am able to fucking think ( Added later - NO I CANT THINK- EVERYTHING GOES AT 400 TIMES A MINUTE - AND I JUST GO WITH IT  !! ) - but unable to stop my actions - I scream and shout, Ohhh I don't mean controlled screaming and shouting - this is totally fucking unbelieveable - the words I use and the fucking things I say just come out- at the moment I am in a HUGE FUCKING LOW and I know when I get like this all I can bloody do is swear and type - I cant bloody talk as I have to think about bloody talking - but typing I don't fucking think - it comes naturally - but - if I try to explain my thoughts or reactions - then I sound fucking stupid - I stutter and fucking mumble and make up new words and my whole fucking brain is on shut down - BUT - doing this - OMFG - this just is flowing out of me - I am totally at 5000 miles an hour and can type everything .... ( This sentence was said in my head as I was typing - but obviously I didn't type in the stutter I would have done if I was saying it !! - that's silly !! )

Kids call me Tourettes Mummy as when in a low I can swear - out of sheer frustration - and it doesn't matter who hears me or where I am or what I say - even the words I HATE WITH A PASSION I use freely - Its the most bizarre thing in the world .. In normal life - I swear - but NO WHERE AS MUCH AS THAT WRITTEN ABOVE ..

When a low starts - I am usually triggered - and that could be anything from a 'look' from anyone - to someone being rude - ok ok - what I class as being rude - could be a non 'thank you' from a car driver - to someone not saying thank you for holding a door open ( But with this I would probably usually just shout out after them - and then leave it - but again something I usually wouldn't do - but when in a low like this - I get very irrational and totally blatant and so very uncaring ) - uncaring people can start me off - people who are being fucking aggressive - passive - arrogant - Intimidating people = Ohh if I get tired, giddy, cant talk, I know im going in a low - ohh any of these and I sometimes will  blow - IF I CAN I make it back to the car - if I am out - and there I could sit and bang my head on the screen or hit my head with my hands - it starts a HUGE pressure in my head - SCREAMING - SHOUTING - TALKING IT ALL THROUGH with myself out loud - if people stand and stare - I wil scream at them - " What are you fucking looking at "- they ALWAYS walk off !! - all very odd behaviour - if I am at home - obviously I am relaxed - and omg- all hell could break loose - not through meaning too - I NOW HAVE NO CONTROL - I scream shout throw things - and if someone is aggressive towards me - THEN I DONT BACK DOWN - AT ALL - I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT IF SOMEONE TRIED TO BE VIOLENT TOWARDS ME - I WOULD WIN - I have sooo much cortisol through my veins that NOTHING ( ADDED LATER - apart from medication )  will stop me normally -

Even the Crisis Team have said  -
STUTTERING - Abby - whats the matter - calm down - I CANT FUCKING CALM DOWN - ( OMG I can get things out that I don't need to think about ! ) what started it off - f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f - UUUUUUUUUUUUNABLE TO TALK - FUCK - ( ADDED LATER - can always swear - but not out of rudeness out of frustration )
Take your mind off it - I CANT - IM STUCK
Go and Blog - I Cant as my ex is in there and he Triggers me as I am far too much for him to cope with - NOT HIS FAULT - Im too much for anyone to cope with ..
Have you tried Meditation or Yoga Abby - OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TRIGGER - IF YOU WERE HERE ID HEADBUTT YOU - WOULD YOU TELL THE HULK TO FUCKING MEDITATE ?? IT IS MEDICAL - NOT MENTAL = You have say 12mg of Cortisol in your Blood - at this point I could have
Well Abby - What helps you when you are like this - TAKING A FUCKING OVERDOSE SO IT SENDS ME TO ABILAND - OK OK -  AND TAKING DIAZEPAM - 5 X TABS USUALLY WORK - BUT HAVE TAKEN UPTO 17 AT ONCE BEFORE NOW - I have been told this just counteracts the Cortisol - IT NEVER SENDS ME TO SLEEP !! - Just brings me back to normal !!- LMAO - NORMAL !! - STOP LAUGHING
ABBY - MEDICATE - GO MEDICATE - and that was my phone call !!!  - The Crisis Team are now on the phone to the Crisis Team - I have sent them over the edge - sorry !!!

Now I have forgotton - OHHH SHIT !!

OK - Had dinner now, and the Diazepam has kicked in ! - and I have calmed down - and no - I didn't sing incy wincy spider - or do any colouring or Lick windows - ITS MEDICAL NOT MENTAL - ( Im gonna have that on my Grave stone ! )

MOST People have the amount of Cortisol in their blood as shown in the Table below (1) - my HIGHEST limit has been 1452 before now - MMMMMMM -  A tad higher than THE HIGHEST !! That's how I am so ADAMENT - that I HAVE NO FUCKING CONTROL AND NO YOGA AND MEDITATION DOES NOT WIN OVER BLOODY HORMONAL IMBALANCES

( Im going to leave it there - I cant re-read it back - so if it makes no sence I do apologise - but - that's me in a low - Maybe it wil struck - ?? Hit a cord with someone ?? - Maybe it will help someone understand that they are not the only one out there that goes through this crap - AND IM SURE SOMEONE OUT THERE CAN HELP - I HAVNT FOUND ANYONE YET - BUT - EVENTUALLY - I CANT BE LEFT LIKE THIS - POSITIVITY IS THE KEY - AND WHEN IM ME - I AM POSITIVE = AND PLEASE PARDON THE SWEARING - That's not me - that's HULK ME !!

(1) Reference ranges for blood plasma content of free cortisol
TimeLower limitUpper limitUnit
09:00 am140[48]700[48]nmol/L

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

BBW - SSBBW deserve respect - Big for different reasons - NON OF WHICH ARE YOUR BUSINESS -

Big Beautiful Women - deserve respect - They are Big for different reasons - NON OF WHICH ARE YOUR BUSINESS -

"Big Beautiful Woman" (commonly abbreviated as BBW) is a euphemism for an overweight woman and is frequently used in the context of fat fetishism. The terms "Big Beautiful Women" and "BBW" were coined by Carole Shaw in 1979, when she launched BBW Magazine, a fashion and lifestyle magazine for "plus-size" women.

There is a cumulative product of a woman's skeletal structure and the quantity and distribution of muscle and fat on the body. As with most physical traits, there is a wide range of normality of female body shapes - EVERYONE IS AS BEAUTIFUL AS THE REST ....STOP THE STEREO TYPING ... FAT / DISABLED ETC IS NOT UGLY - Its is just Different, and still to be adored ...

This Blog is a celebration of the big woman and her soft warm voluptuous fleshy form - clothed or semi-clad (or tastefully nude) and/or of her round sunny radiant face that gives happy pleasure to those who see her. Some Ladies may not FEEL like a beautiful woman, because fatness equates with ugliness in our society, but you can always try to express your inner strength and beauty, tenderness and femininity, and be creative with how you photograph yourself to express the TRUE beauty of the big woman you are .....

The "fat girl with the pretty face" is a common cliche, but I have seen gorgeous women with stunning features with obese FAT bodies who have the men drooling. Interestingly, the straight guys seem to love them. I think most women carry extra weight better than men, but that's just personall opinion ...

The late 19th century was a time when full-figured women were admired. The ideal figure was the 'hour glass' shaped, big bust and hips, small waist, so women wore corsets to squeeze themselves in in the middle. If you look at photographs of admired beauties from the period, like Lillian Russell or Lillie Langtry for example, you will see that they are quite solid-looking ladies.

 The late 17th century also seems to have been a period when the fuller figure was admired, portraits of women generally seem to show them looking quite fleshy.

In general, though, the slim figure has been considered the most attractive for women, if you look at ancient Egyptian art for example, all the women are slender, as they generally are in Grecian art, and in medieval art, and in the earl modern period prior to the late 17th century. And certainly slenderness was very fashionable in the 18th and early 19th century, 'fairylike' was considered to be a huge compliment to a woman, and girls starved themselves to get the requisite slender figure.

I think each and everyone of us our beautiful in our own unique ways. I dont think that being fat is considered ugly or unattractive, this is applicable to both the men and women. I am a beautiful BIG fat woman, I have great fair skin, I have a cute face with very attractive eyes.. though Im fat, im actually  really pretty. :) as im told DAILY by loads of people men and women !

British women are officially the fattest in Europe. Well, hoorah for us. Of all the labels we could have picked up – the drunkest, the laziest, the most promiscuous – this one can't be that bad, can it?
And what about those people who actually choose to be fat? A growing group of overweight activists claim it's OK and healthy to be overweight. Fat activism, as they call it – yes that's a thing now – is about recognising that all bodies are fine. Nowadays, the 'fat movement' is all about challenging prejudices.

The word 'fat' can mean different things to different people and is often used in a negative way.
However, some claim you can live a normal and healthy life and still be fat. Take a "perfect size 28", who says fat is "not an ugly word".
Then there's Miranda Cheesman, a stand-up comic, who has created a club night in London expressly for the plus-size woman. She believes you can "look good, be fat, be inspirational and aspirational”. Then there are all the videos on facebook and youtube for BBW and SSBBW - THEY ROCK !!

Friday, 15 May 2015


OK OK - ANOTHER UPDATE ( Paul Green STOP YAWNING !! ) OK - Had the Crisis Team here today after the OD last week - OBVIOUSLY NEEDED TO DO THAT A WHOLE LOT SOONER TO GET SOME BLOODY HELP !! = Anyways - Two LOVELY ladies turned up at 9.30am - YAWNNN -

 Thank god I was dressed as I had actually had more than enough today and had stayed in bed - and just by chance I picked up the phone - Cause - anyone that KNOWS me - knows I wont answer the phone and have actually unplugged my landline cause it DRIVES ME INSAIN !!
Anyway - Tracked Alan down - Ohhh No I didn't - lmao - AFTER 6 FRANTIC phone calls and eventual Message telling him he was a bastard and if he think he can stay away Just so the Men in White Coats can take me away - then he has another thing coming - Anyway - he phoned back immediately - Was in chemist getting my prescription - Oppsy !! = and he was on his way home right then !! = PHEW !!..... Anyways

 The Crisis Team arrived, PeggatyPawz Informed them that if they tried to remove me - they would have HER to get through first - OHHH GOOD DOG PEGGS ! =
Anyway the crisis team consisted of a NEURO Psychiatrist - ( Wheww whewww they listened ! ) and a Support worker who was lovely but about 10 !! They basically TOLD me what my symptoms were - Ohh I was impressed by this point and lol - ok - I couldn't stop chatting - I was at 10thousand miles an hour at this point !! and basically they listened and listened and listened and listened ... and listened ! = I told them THEM EVERYTHING !! - LMAO - I have no worries about anything - I will talk to anyone that listens = lmao
That's when Alan chiped something in that I DID NOT AGREE WITH - lmao - AND I WENT FOR HIM - The two crisis workers stepped back - well - I hadn't left them standing - they kinda reeled back in their seat ! and just listened to me go on and on and on at him - lmao - and It ended with them saying ' So We think Alan could be one of your triggers - anything inparticular ?? ' I just looked at them and said ' Breathing !! ' - They were in hysterics and even I find it funny - as the poor bloke is actually TRYING TO HELP !! I went off on one again about all my little idiosyncrasy's and what triggers I have - LMAO - OK by now I was starting to think I WAS A MENTAL HEALTH PATIENT as lmao - as I do have one hell of a lot of triggers - even if your rude to me - I FLY !!!

 The end of the matter they 100% would take my plight on and they would get me to see a NeuroPsychologist of a decent level who will understand that It is out of my control my Rages - BUT - Who may help me with Self Confidence ( way down deep apparently I have low self esteem - I didn't tell them about the selfies I do and the near naked pics that I post if I feel the need - if you got it - flaunt it !! and im sorry - BBW's HAVE IT !!! ... Erm - lack of confidence - ok !! 
Also I am having a Medical review as they do not think I am depressed - but have a HUGE sence of loss at everything that has been taken away from me, and the fact that I feel I am a burden - and cant go out without someone, JUST IN CASE I Rip someones Head Off - as - They said - Its Medical - and I couldn't be put away for it !! - WHEWW WHEWW !! = BULLIES AT SCHOOL - WATCH OUT - IM COMING TO GET CHA ! ( FBI WHO ARE READING MY POSTS - OHHH I KNOW YOU ARE - THAT WAS A JOKE !! )

  - They are also going to be doing visiting daily = and if I want to go for a coffee - they will take me - so I don't feel a burden to Alan or Mum Or Gaye - The ONLY three people that have been there through it all - ( Although special thanks must be given to Bestie Dawn, Jaimi., Emily, Jacq, Sandie, Clare, Nick and Mark who have been there for me the whole entire time - always on the end of the phone or txt - wiling to listen ) OK - So - that's my update - lmao - OMG I CAN TALK - AND THIS ISNT HALF OF IT !!! = My phone went half way through the interview - and me being me - hadn't changed the bloody ring tone -

Hello! Welcome to the Mental Health Hotline!
If you are Obsessive-Compulsive, press 1 repeatedly, being certain to touch the table and counting to 10 between each press.
If you are Co-Dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.
If you have Multiple Personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you are Paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.
If you are Delusional, press 7, and your call will be transferred to the Mother Ship.
If you are Schizophrenic, listen carefully, and a small voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are Manic-Depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press since no one will answer.
If you are Dyslexic, press 96969696969696.
If you have a Nervous Disorder, please fidget with the Pound Button until a representative comes on the line.
If you have Amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmother's maiden names.
If you have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, slowly and carefully press 911.
If you have Bi-Polar Disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.
If you have Short-Term Memory Loss, please try your call again later.
If you have Low Self Esteem, please hang up. All our representatives are too busy to help worthless people like you.
And thank you for calling the Mental Health Hotline!


Monday, 4 May 2015

Whata weekend - alone and overdosed, thats what a Pituitary Brain Tumour Does - Makes you STUPID - ohh and then there was Mr Grey !!!

Yup - as it says on the tin - I went into a real low - and no-body took me seriously - as it has happened many many times before - I had rung Family - and NOTHING - Not even a text back - and stil no txt - so - I guess I know where I stand there ! - Maybe I shouldn't be Blogging at the moment - as I have been told I could go into Toxic Shock at any time, and am Still not 100% as just had another episode and taken 6 Diazapam- Just to Calm Myself down -IT'S NOT A CRY FOR HELP WHAT SO EVER ! - Its a loss of memory capacity and a lack of Vision and Positivity ( Which I am usualy full of in abundance ) BUT - for those of you who have read my other blogs - you may see a change in writing - ?? Maybe this will help the others that have contacted me saying to write a blog in a LOW - as this will help them .. so .. here goes ...

Actually - Im still trying to be friendly and happy and buck everyone else up - I DONT want my illness to upset anyone - I really just don't wana be here anymore - and HATE being a Burden to anyone - esp the EX - who is the ONLY one here at the moment who is ACTUALLY taking me seriously - Maybe because he has been the only one to be with me at doctors and consultants and HEARD them tell me I have the Bloody Brain Tumour ! If he hadn't - he has said - he wouldn't have stood for the behaviour as it is so extreme, screaming, shouting, abusive, aggressive, wont back down, and then just unbelieveable and uncontrollable crying - can you have hysterical upset crying - sobbing - well - that's it - x 100 !!

Lowest of the Low - I phoned Family - 3 times and got NO RESPONCE = Probably Abby just being a pain again - " I cant help ! " attitude, and I have MANY MANY people who I have never met saying to me, If this happens again PHONE ME - and they bloody mean it- They take it at face value, and believe im NOT Playing and NOT putting it on, and NOT ASKING FOR SYMPATHY- I Have had enough - NOT a threat, Just reality ... BUT Take Diazapam, and I forget those feelings and calm right down ..... Still huge pressure in my head atm - but I can deal with it- its the unwanted feelings I cant deal with - and the feeling of my being a Burden- The EX and I have split up - and yet - he is the only one to help and try to be there for me - ( Mum and Dad are in Australia at the moment seeing my brother - and, NO- I didn't expect them to put it off = he is there son too !!.

I go through this regularly - and I DID Think Id have support in the form of other family members - I do - BUT - I am just far too much to take on - I get that now - I know I can post this as My Parents arnt reading this while they are away - I would NEVER hurt them with cruel words as I know they are trying their best - BUT - Enoughs enough - My Bestie EVER told me I was selfish, and everyone has their problems and to stop attention seeking - and that's someone who works with ill people - she said that she sees this daily with people that have been told they are going to die in a few weeks ( Be aware all her clients are Elderly )  - and I went and did this - she was so disappointed in me and well came across that she hated me - Hasn't even been in touch today - and I gave up trying to explain that IT IS NOT ME - ITS THE FUCKING TUMOUR MAKING ME IRRATIONAL AND PARANOID AND WELL - PLAIN STUPID - When Im ME - I am Confident - Friendly -Articulate - and a bloody nice person, and she of all people should be able to understand that id never do anything like this! When the Head takes over im all the opposite things - and some ... - I come across as Stupid when my head is off on one - I stutter and cant talk and cant get words out - I am totally giddy and can walk - everything hurts - I can only talk about my problems and all at TOP TOP SPEED - It wears everyone out - I can talk and talk and talk - for hours and not stop - people can take me for about 20 minutes without having to stop and gather their own thoughts - I DONT STOP ! - I cant understand or communicate that I know anyone else has issues -

ITS ALL ABOUT ME ME ME ME - and I hate that - as - when I am ME - I always try to be there for my friends and well - anyone - and be the best I can be by being happy and funny and cheerer upper !! I LOVE THAT SIDE OF ME !!  This side I HATE - Hence taking a mixture of 26 extra strong 500mg Paracetamol, Ibruprofen, Codene, and Co-Codamol - I REITERATE - IN MY RIGHT MIND - I DONT WANT TO DO THIS - But - I wasn't in my right mind !!! I even looked up on my phone how many to take ! = I took them - started crying and the EX came upstairs - I told him what I had done as the packets were on the bed - and he just went away ..... well - fine I thought - and just sat there crying - I tried again to call a family member - but nothing - Im Unimportant - All I needed to do was TALK - BUT - No - They were far to preoccupied with what they were doing - After being told all my life tha I always have Family to back me up - I have found - actually I don't - so - yes ok - some of this may well be psychological - as I am MESSED UP - Being told Family is Number one - and then finding actually its not = is FUCKING DIFFICULT to come to terms with ( Ohh My Aunt is the ONLY one who would have been here in a flash - BUT - She is ill and I couldn't put any more on her - Everyone uses her as a stepping Mat and its NOT fair as she is the lovliest person you could meet and is always there then needed, BUT - has her own problems and I DONT WANT TO ADD TO THOSE )

Anyways - The EX came back upstairs after about 10 minutes - and I was, by this time inconsolable again - BUT - he had a woman on the phone talking him through things - I cant remember what was said - NOT Drugged up - but my head was on overdrive and racing, I couldn't think at all - I can remember the dog peeking round the door and looking at me - then turning round and kinda sayin - ' Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit ' = But that's it- then there was a knock at the door - FFS - I thought - FUCK OFF - JUST FUCK OFF - shouting - yup that's me - tactful as ever -

 The Ambulance had turned up - all within 25 mins - Cant complain at that - A lady - VERY NICE, calming - I stuttered out what I could to answer - and told her it was my head and NOT a suicide attempt - BUT - I just wanted to stop my bloody head from racing , and stop all the thoughts and Pressure - and I couldn't think of what else to do - OHHHHHHHHHHHHH CONTRADICTION - MAYBE IT WASNT A SUICIDE ATTEMPT  - I just don't know =

I told her I hadn't taken as many as I had - as I DIDNT WANT TO GO TO HOSPITAL - LMAO - THERE IS NO WAY THEY WOULD BE TAKING ME AWAY FROM MY BEDROOM !!  - She told me that that amount of tablets ( the lesser amount )  could have started burning a hole in my stomach and cause me to go into Toxic Shock - for at least the next four days - So- I should go into Hospital for the to keep an eye on me - and to get the psychiatric team to take a look at me - OHHHHHHHH HERE WE GO AGAIN - I told her I had seen three Psychologists and the Mental Health Team - and they had all signed me off almost straight away - as this condition is MEDICAL AND NOT MENTAL - Well - as soon as she said about the Psychiatric team - That's it I WAS GOING NO WHERE - as another consultant had told me NEVER to let them take me - as if they did - it would be a vicious circle that I wouldn't get out of - My Condition is RARE - and consultants don't even get it !!

OMG - ANOTHER KNOCK ON THE DOOR - and bloody hell - ALERT - ALERT - HOTTIE ALERT - lmao - ok ok - Abby was BACK IN DA ROOM !!! =  Now the first Ambulance driver was lovely - he was chatty and relaxing and asking all about my illness - BUT GOODNES ME the second was GORGEOUS !!!! - Beautiful eyes - Stubble - Tall, Dark Haired OHHHHHHHHHHH SWOON !!! - and almost immediately my sences started coming back - SUCH A TART !!! = anyways - the first medic even said the change in me was so huge - my speech, thought processes - everything came back really quickly - They took Blood Pressure - ( Which was fine ) Blood to check suger levels ( Normal ) and then the ECG - LMAO- they were shocked - apparently it was a reading for an 80 year old - lmao - and im 40 - BUT - That's what my Illness is - its an illness for an 80 year old !! = and actually MR Handsome - knew quite a lot about Pituitary Tumours I was MOST Impressed = UNTIL he looked at the other Medic and kinda under his breath said " Its VERY Rare " = and then kinda looked as if he was VERY UNBELIEVEING !! =Well - that's started me off again - Head started going and crying and Ohhhhhhhhhh - I nearly wanted to HeadButt Mr Handsome there and then HOW DARE HE SUGGEST ( Ok OK = He didn't actually suggest - but made me feel like he did - ) THAT I WAS LYING -  Paranoia ???? I don't know - But - The Lady suggested I took some Diazapam - lol - and the medic looked at her and just said omg she is going to rattle ! ( As this was on top of the meds I took in the morning for the Hypothyroidism and Blood Pressure etc !! )

The Lady Medic then said she needed to make a call to the trauma Team and Neurology to make sure I was OK to be left - As I said I wasn't going anywhere - STUBBON TO A TEE ME !! = Anyways - The dose I TOLD her wasn't enough to Force me to go in - and because of my weight ( LMAO- One time I want to be a Fatty !! ) The amount I took was ok for them to leave me under Alan supervision - Thank God I didn't tell them how many I really took ... Cause they defo would have had a fight on their hands, getting me out - Even Mr Handsome WAS NOT IN MY GOOD BOOKS AND COULDNT HAVE COAXED ME OUT ! and at this point there was NO WAY I was even going into Cadiac Arrest JUST to get his lips on mine - UNBELIEVEING GIT !!! ... Anyways - They Told Me that at any time I could Go Into Toxic Shock and Have Stomach Bleeds and if I spotted any Blood = to go straight to A&E ....... Mmmmmm - Scare Mongering ...... Just before they left the Nice medic - Opened the Curtains ( Which ad been shut while Breasticles were moved for the ECG ) and spotted my book collection - well - He started Coughing - and said NO WONDER I didn't feel right as I read a very " Ambigous " - type of book - the other two looked at him and Mr Handsome - looked rather interested and said " - 50 Shades " = LMAO - OMG THEN They both proceeded to tell me it wasn't any good- and wasn't life like and omg - went into great details - I was flabbergasted - Ive only read the first chapter of the first book for god sake !! - They then went into fits of giggles and looked at me very peculiarly - Mmmmmmmm - I know your game mate I thought - You think yourself a bit of a Christian Grey you do !! = Ohhhhhhhhh I was thinking of Cardiac Arrests again - BEHAVE WOMAN !!

Well as you can tell - I was feeling better - then and now - and they had a quick chat with Alan downstairs - and then left - lol - after 5 Diazapam and an amalgamation of many MANY other drugs I was a Tad Tired - so fell asleep !!

24 hours later and I feel heady - have had one more Flipping episode - Stomach hurts a bit - and is quite tender, there is a bit of blood - but nothing im worried about and OMG Passing of wind SMELLS !!! - Sorry = But - Say it as it is that's me !! so - FOR THE RECORD - IF YOUR ALL THE WAY TO THE END - THE MORAL OF THIS - DONT BOTHER - IT DOES NO GOOD - GET TO THE DOCTOR - AND ASK TO BE REFERED AGAIN ... AND AGAIN ... AND AGAIN .... SOMEONE SOMEWHERE WILL HELP !

ohhhhh and to my FACEBOOK Friends who were there for me - THANK YOU - You lot - people who have problems themselves - ARE THE BEST FRIENDS ANYONE COULD WISH FOR ( Esp Nick, Jacq, Timbo, LauraBird, Mark & Sandie - you SIX are AMAZING and i love to you to pieces - THANK YOU ) Adam - Your wonderful too - you know that - but I didn't contact you as you have enough worries - IF I FORGOT ANYONE - SORRY ! xxx

Friday, 1 May 2015


OMG - what a weekend - Ive been Laughing, Crying, Suicidal, Punchy, Hulky, Smiley, AND BLOODY COLD !  ( YES HULKY IS A WORD - ITS MY WORD AND ITS A GOOD ONE ! )
Well - MUST have been on a Cortisol Rollercoaster for the last few days -

Normally,Cortisol is present in the body at higher levels in the morning, and at its lowest at night. Although stress isn’t the only reason that cortisol is secreted into the bloodstream, it has been termed “the stress hormone” because it’s also secreted in higher levels during the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response to stress, and is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body - with me - I cant talk, cant think, HAVE to sit down, no concentration, I get very defensive, Cant NOT " leave anything be " - I HAVE TO RESPOND TO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING = if anyone goes towards me - I take it as a threat - AND DONT BACK OFF ..... EVER ....

It's a fun thing to go through = BUT - You have to be relaxed about it - if your not - then the HULK gets let loose AND once she has flipped and come out - ONLY medication works to bring me down - and im talking 17 Diazapam to bring me back to normal thinking again - ( 10 Diazapam is used in hospitals to knock a person out for Operations !! - 17 - brings ME back to normal - so that tells you how much Cortisol I have rushing thru my veins !! ) anyways - I had a Good time at Wingham Wildlife Park AGAIN - but hadn't gone out apart from that as it was all a bit too much !!  Otherwise it was spent mostly on the phone to my mum who is in Australia at the Moment Visiting My Bro and his lovely Girlfriend and Kids ! = When I go HULK - I ring MUM !! - lmao - BLOODY AUSTRALIA TO TRY AND GET RID OF ME AND SHE STILL CANT -
Ohhh DONT TALK ABOUT THE BILL !! ..... ( Ohhh The Bill - I used to love that - why on earth they took it off our screens I will never know ! )

Anyway = that was my weekend - OMG TUESDAY NOW !! = Yesterday I met the lady that is staying at mums house - " Lucy " and OMG She is adorable and I so hope we can be friends - really on my wave length - god help her !! = But - she is there looking after Stan and Reg - The Cats !! = and omg - I DROVE there myself - Les Mis on the CD player - and then went to Co-op and back here - WHEWW WHEWW - First time I have been OUT on my own for MONTHS !! - I know - only a few miles - but - that's great I was well pleased !! - Couldn't do anymore - did flake when I got back - but - Briliant !! So - A good day yesterday ! LOL - although if I have a bad day - I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT !!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Since I was alone quite a lot of the time - I got a tad bored at home on my own - and decided to play with my NEW Phone - its a Nokia Lumia - BRILIANT - I havnt had a touch phone before because my head literally cant get used to it - BUT _ This one seems to be ok atm - I have THROWN it three times now - BUT OMG - IT bounces back and is fine !! Any ways VIDEOS - Mmmmm - I just record 'STUFF' ........ I DONT do it to make people laugh or think - I do just what comes into my head at the time - ....... - This is recorded at 4am one morning on a Cortisol High ! ....... - This was my FIRST EVER VIDEO - I uploaded it on my facebook and had quite a good response = so - here you go - this is me !!


The EX is the only person who I come across who hasn't liked or found me funny in these videos - or indeed even this guy in the other video - OMG ??? - EveN I find ME funny !! ;)

Ohhhh and MUM - she txt me to TELL ME OFF - for being Vulgar and common !! = Well - That's me !! - I am a 40year Old Woman with 2 kids and im a high court judge = PLEASE DONT TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANT POST =- IF I WANT TO POST A NAKED POLE DANCE TO FACEBOOK I WILL !! ( and - FYI - NO - Im NOT a High Court Judge - and yes - I was inboxed and asked by the lovliest Stalker I have atm !! Ned - I loves ya !!! )

Mmmm - ok - Last thought of the day = Ricky Gervais - OMG People seem to love him or hate him - I for one think the guy is wonderful - his Portrayal Of Derek is utterly mesmerising - he is so compassionate and such a wonderful character - More people should be like him - and then - There is the Animal Rights side of Ricky that a lot of people don't know about - He is a great ambassador for Animal Rights and strives to help and raise awareness - He is a legend in my book - so thoughtful and thought provocking - ANIMALS NEED OUR HELP NOT OUR HAND IN THEIR DEMISE ....

Ohh that last thought came about because of the OUTRAGE THIS PICTURE HAS CAUSED - and the efforts Ricky has gone to, to try to STOP hunting like this - ITS NOT A BLOODY GAME ..