April 8th is the birthday of Dr Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) who described the disease that goes by his name in 1932: Cushing’s Disease. There is a push to have this day named as the National Cushing’s Awareness Day. For now, it is simply Cushing’s Awareness Day – a day to bring attention to this disease ( The HULK - is a great comparision - he changes so so quickly - and his rage is uncontrollable - Much like a Pituitary Patient suffering from Over Cortisol Exposure ! )
Apparently CUSHINGS and Pituitary Brain Tumours are all very rare - BUT - I have met some of the best people and the lovliest friends because of my Pit Tumour ! - and - well - To me it doesn't seem all that rare - there are LOADS of us with Brain Tumours - OK - Now a lot SUFFER = Ohhhh - Sometimes I put myself in the category, and sometimes I don't - TODAY = Im feeling good - ( Although when I rang my mum this morning in a Cortisol LOW u would have begged to differ - funny how we all go back to our mothers in times of trouble ! - Sorry Mutti !! Ohh and im NOT German - my Mut - HATES being called Mum so made my brother and I from the very beginning call her Mutti - and yes - you can imagine the stick we get !! )
Anyway - due to excessive Cortisol in my blood - I have up's and downs - and NOT in a fun way !! BUT - This is NOT cushings - I DONT HAVE CUSHINGS although - at first - I was told I did !! = BUT My symptoms are if not the same - then VERY SIMILAR = I just CANT be operated on - due to a Cyclical ( Comes and Goes ) Pituitary Tumour on the Stalk - and the excessive amount of Pressure in my head due to a dodgy Amygdala Gland .. causing PTSD ..... So Fun can be had on certain days !!! But My Belief is POSITIVITY goes along way - Keep Calm and Be Positive - SMILE and the world smiles back at you - ( Mainly cause they think your a Loon- But - IM NOT - MY DOC SAYS SO !! ) ...
ANYWAYS - Today is Cushings Awareness Day and a few of my GOOD AND ID LOVE TO CALL THEM CLOSE FRIENDS have had this awful disease - But - They are Operated on and in full remission - Now- I have to bring into the story - the TV Series HOLBY - Dr Elliot Hope was diagnosed with a Pit Tumour and Cushings Disease all within about 3 episodes - and within a few weeks - of MAJOR Brain Surgery - He was back to work - THATS NOT HOW IT HAPPENS !! - Pit Tumours can take Years to Diagnose - Mine took about 7 years I think = Mainly cause mine is cyclical - But once found - the Dr's knew what to do - I had Blood Test After Blood Test and that's how they ruled out Cushings - I still secreat Cortisol = BUT - Not at the levels of a Cushings Patient -
Signs and symptoms of Cushing’s Disease vary, but most people with the disorder have upper body obesity, a rounded face, increased fat around the neck, and relatively slender arms and legs.
Other signs appear in the skin, which becomes fragile and thin, bruises easily, and heals poorly. Purple or pink stretch marks may appear on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and breasts. The bones are weakened, and routine activities such as bending, lifting, or rising from a chair may lead to pain, giddiness, backaches and rib or spinal column fractures.
Women with Cushing’s Disease usually have excess hair growth on their face, neck, chest, abdomen, and thighs. Their menstrual periods may become irregular or stop.... There are also Problems with Concentration, Mood Swings, Social Anxiety and These are just a few of the symptoms that I can remember at this time - Men and Children also suffer from the disease and their symptoms vary greatly ....
Diagnosis is based on a review of a person’s medical history, a physical examination, and laboratory tests. X rays of the adrenal or pituitary glands can be useful in locating tumors.
Treatment depends on the specific reason for excess cortisol and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or the use of cortisol-inhibiting drugs.... Doctors say that it is very unusual that Cushings can return - I know two people - so far - in my small group of Friends - where it HAS IN FACT RETURNED ......
YOU KNOW YOUR OWN BODY - FIGHT - LITERALLY FOR YOUR LIFE - as Doctors Believe that Cushings and Pituitary Tumours are SO RARE - THAT YOU MUST BE OVER EATING AND NOT EXCERSISING - and that's why u are Over Weight - They often don't take into consideration your other symptoms - Doctors have even offered Cushings and Pit Tumour Patients the " Opportunity " to be fitted with Gastric Bands - I for one am over 20 stone - and this would NOT help me to loose weight - as I DONT OVEREAT - My body is in Famine Mode !! ........ Wouldn't it be lovely if that could solve 'that' part of the problem !! ID JUMP AT IT !! - But - It's NOT that easy !! -
Even with 4 MRI's showing up my Pit Tumour, I still have GP's and a few Consultants saying I need Therapy and CBT Councilling and, I have had a Psychiatrist say to me CATAGORICALLY = I am a Medical Patient and NOT a Mental One - and have even had him ask me to be referred to a Grade 6 Neuro-Psychologist for further Study and Help - due to the UN-CONTROLLABLE RAGES that I get in - BUT PURELY MEDICAL !! - lol xx

Anyways = Theres a little into the insight of CUSHINGS and Pituitary Patients - There is so so much more - but - yawwnnnnn - im tired now !! Ive been thinking too long !! Have a Fab Day and remember Cushing's Disease is often misdiagnosed or goes undiagnosed for years before receiving the correct testing and treatment. Sadly, left untreated, the result is death as all body systems are adversely affected, BUT ... Pituitary Tumours are often Benign and NOT LIFE THREATENING - Make sure you get the CORRECT Diagnosis .....
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