OK - If easily offended - DONT READ - lol - Because I seem to be being very offensive today to a lot of people !! I DONT mean to be - its just that My Brain doesn't work quite the same as everyone else - ( See Blog re my Pituitary Brain Tumour ! ) and I do kinda just say things before I think - well - not before I think as I don't tend to think very much lmao - cause it hurts, but I just write or speak and as I cant read it back ( If long pieces ) then I just post lol !! and then I apologise and have to apologise again and again - lmao - Its a nightmare - BUT Thank God your JUST offended by my Spoken or written word - Just think of all the offensive things I keep to myself ! - Thank God I find myself funny !
And Before we go any further - EVERY Friday is GOOD isn't it - Because It means Just a few hours to the WEEKEND ....... I wake up soo beautifully on a weekend - Then Idiots happen, and That makes my First Favourite F Word Erupt - ALOT !!! ... But enough of that ..

It all started this morning When Auntie Gaye picked us up for a Good Friday Breakfast Slap up meal at Table Table - ( And yes - although the coffee was all drunk - all drinked - drunk - drunken - drunken up - INJESTED - The rest was delicious ) BUT - Auntie Gaye said she couldn't eat meat as it was good Friday - Mmmmmm - Not even Bacon - OHHH PLEASE !! ... BUT - I didn't think anything of saying to her - " well, I think that's daft - The big J.C would have wanted a nice big Steak before he went - so I cant see why u cant have a bitta Bacon and Sausage - He'd have wanted that " - Rather a large intake of breath - Alan looked round and said " Whats she said now " = BLOODY CHEEK - ALWAYS ASUMING ITS ME ! .. But - ok it usually is - and Gaye just looked and said " Abby is being rather Blasphemic " Opps - WAS I ??? = I then proceeded to explain to Alan - That I had just said " That Jesus would have wanted Gaye to have meat as just before he died HE would have wanted a steak " .......... Alan looked at me - " Ab, How was He killed " - " Alan - He was crucified - ... But he would have wanted a nice last super .. Even tho I think he had already had that " - Alan and Gaye both shake their heads - " Ab - He was Staked to the Cross " = OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
" so your not having a bacon then " ???
and the day seems to have gone from that to me being a tad OTT in a few of my BBW ( Big Beautiful Women Groups ) on Facebook - Now - I have to clarify - these are NOT as they sound and they are NOT of Big Fat Women Posting pics of their Breasticles - Well - NOT JUST THAT - LMAO - no - seriously - There are a few like that - but the ones I AM INVOLVED with are the tasteful friendly confidence building ones, and I have found LOADS of lovely people - male and female - that I now class as friends - People that know the 'Real me' - and its just lovely to be able to go into these rooms - sites - and just chat as I am - and not worry !!
Anyway - in one of these groups a guy started on the group and one of the Admins and well - I cant sit back and watch another be attacked for no good reason - so I PUT MY TWO PENNYWORTH IN !! - and that all went very well and I was very hyped up by it - sending Cortisol Levels rising !! - esp as I wasn't able to post my very eloquent last speech - as the post had been removed ... so next - having a joke with one of the guys - we were saying we WOULD post Half Naked pics - ( as the arguementative fellow afore mentioned was wondering why there were no dodgy pics on the site we were in !! ) So anyways Nice guy was having a laugh with me and it ended in him posting a half naked BUT VERY Artistic pic of his Top half .... Well - Too good an opportunity to miss - I just Posted " Nipple = I see Nippple ! " - Then the convo kinda went like this ...
29 mins · Like
Dave - Lmfao Abigail.
26 mins · Unlike · 1
omg - then I had a guy inbox me and was going on and on and on about how disrespectful I was and he just said ( and Yes - He used Caps Lock ) - " DO YOU KNOW WHAT JESUS'S LAST WORDS WERE " - To which I replied - " well, I wasnt there - BUT - If I were him, I'd have said = 'Don't go eating my Easter Eggs, I will be back on Monday' - " Lighten the mood I thought -BUT Apparently this was the wrong thing to say too ??? ( I still don't know The last words either - the chap blocked me )
I then had 12 - yes 12 inbox messages saying either that was offensive and Easter should NOT be mocked - or - OMG That was soo funny - so - I decided id share !! LUCKY YOU !! lmao - and now I have kinda lost my train of thought !! But I think I covered most of it for today !! So Happy GOOD Friday To one and all - Remember Be confident and BE YOURSELF - If people don't like you for who you are - Your with the wrong people xxxx
Made me laugh, but.... Sometimes we all need to rein ourselves in maybe?, as others sometimes take things a lot more seriously than you do! lol.....
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work though,