Monday, 30 March 2015

MONDAY MONDAY - All sain and no Storms !! ( So Far )

Morning and hello to althe 3 people that wish to have a read of my Blog - Go Grab a coffee ( COFFEE mind you NO TEA SHALL BE DRUNK ON MY WATCH ! - Tea drinkers are NOT trustworthy - and a little insipid for my liking ! ) so - Go grab yourself a coffee, and have a peek into life as ME !! ;)

Well - I woke at 4am - checked my Mobile for messages - and then had a quick peek on Facebook - ( 28 messages and 13 in other folder ) OHH FFS !! = I cant answer atm, as I notice a snoring - Someone - ( Namly Cassia [ 9 ] ) had climbed into bed with me last night = put her hand on mine and said - No No Mum - don't move ( I couldn't at this point as was Storming !! - see Illness blog ) and promptly fell asleep !! PMSL - she defo takes after me !! - See a chance and take it !! - She'll go far !! = Anyway = Tripped over the dog as I walked to the loo - and tripped once again as I came back - THEN stumbled over the coat hanger at the end of the bed and crawled into bed - being told by Cassia = " not to worry - u get comfy, and i'lll be back " - she then went to the loo - not tripping once !! = We went back to sleep !!

7am = GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VEITNAM - - omg - I just LOVE Robin Williams and was devastated when he took his life - whata waste and a tragedy - RIP = BUT - I have always loved this Trailer and yes yes - IT WAKES ME UP !! - lol - well - woke ME up, but not the Cassia - Who stayed snoring !! = I jumped into shower, ( OK OK  FUSSY = I Clambered into the shower, knocking all the Flannels off the side that I seem to arrange OCD style about 90 times a day !! ) and hada Quick shower - 4 MINUTES is all it should take - and by jove - 4 Minutes is ALL IT DOES TAKE !! - Used Cassia's Bubble Gum Body Wash, Pantene - ohhhhhhhhhh blimey - ok - BORING - Got washed and dressed and Made up by 7.15 ! = im sooooo good - Anthea Turner - eat cha heart out woman !! = Then - Once again - OCD Style = Wake Tom, Get a Grunt ( Tom is my 12 year old ! ) downstairs - Hug and then let out PeggatyPawz, my German Shepherd x Retriever - Yes - she is this cute - but a marvellous Guard ...

Then OMG THE MESS - Because I had 'Stormed' Last night - Alan ( The EX ) had tidied - and ok ok - he is VERY GOOD - But - he and I do things differently - and I like things organised and tidy - SO THE EYE CAN SEE ( Whatever you do, Don't DONT open a cupboard in my house ! ) If you cant see it- Then - THATS FINE !! So - anyways came down and the place was - in my language - a Tip - So - I set about cleaning up dishes, washing sides down and doing the laundry, all while kettle is on and im getting cups ready for the MORNING coffee ! - anyways - to cut a long story short - I got EVERYTHING done - inc dinner of Bolognaise ( with Sweetcorn, Red Onion and Tomatoes ) , Potatos and Carrots made ( That will be 4 of our 7 a day ! ) , hovering upstairs and down, both bathrooms cleaned, 3 x sets of washing - AND NOTHING TURNED GREY OR PINK ! = ASDA delivery taken in and Put away ( only 2 Apples ordered, and 18 Bananas?, AND A LEG OF BLOODY LAMB - AND I DONT EVEN EAT LAMB !! and at least I did get colour co-ordinating Washing Up liq - this is a must ! - Because I zone out while I do the online shop it's always fun to see what we are going to get !!  ) and anyway - EVERYTHING done - INC change of beds upstairs ( I don't do Alan's bed - as I wont go in his bedroom - invasion of privacy -and it probably smells ! - LMAO - NO IT DOESNT !! ) anyways - everything done by 10.30am - NOW THATS ME ON A HYPER !! - Good Stuff - Don't mind a Hyper Abby !!

THEN - I write my txt to all my friends - There are about 30 ppl that get a txt from me - and they are guys and girls who mean the world to me - Not inc family = But ppl who have shown me through various different ways - that THEY CARE !! - so - I send them a morning Motivational txt, which usually Involves AbiLand, and my Unicorn "Dave", ( You WONT find him - so don't bother looking )

and a family of DoDo's that I have reared - and a whole host of other Creatures that reside with me and My friends when they need to take solitude ... - This txt usually goes on for about 3 pages - and ends in a " Have a good Day and Hug from me to you ! LMAO - I get about 12 / 18 replies !! = BUT - im aware that a lot of people are very Busy and just don't have time ( NO I DIDNT SAY INCLINATION !! ) to reply !! ;) Mmmmm - I had to go on unlimited txts about 5 years ago when I have a hyper moment - I can send a few - Just last month - I sent 8'578 txts alone !! NOT Inc phoning ppl !!! Yeah - Im quite a quick Txter !!!

Anyways - then had a chat with Alan, about the weekend - and about Easter - Then Facebooked !! - and that's it so far !! = Kids be home in a bit - Alan has already walked Peg - and will get Tom to do so again once he gets in - But - apart from that - Im about done !! = Although I will get a drink and something to eat ready for everyone when they get in !! = SORTED !!


Sunday, 29 March 2015

Easy like a Sunday Morning - POSITIVE VIBES !!

Well - here we are again - I didn't quite make it yesterday - as My head was a bit - ermmmm Fuzzy and Stormy ( See Blog - My Illness ! ) so I spent the day being not very nice and Threatening to Top myself and well just  ' NOT MYSELF ' really ( Thank Christ I had Alan to come get me from Throwing myself under the nearest Mondeo in Morrisons Car park - LMFAO - God alone knows what took me there - Must be the call of the fresh coffee in their Café - but - there was a huge motorway 10 secs away - lmao - Why I didn't go there is anyones guess !! - The thought proceses I go though are WEIRD !! )  - I HATE those types of days - Today started about the same - BUT - whew whewww = Im BACK !!! = and Positiveness and Great Attitude and ALLURE from here on in !!

Its actually a guy I have been chatting to on Facebook that bought me back - He really is rather delicious - and everyone takes him wrong - me for one - Thinking he was just after one thing - when - in fact he is VERY SENSITIVE and just wanting people to be normal and themselves with him - instead of trying to chat him up and get with him - WELL - Met ur Match in me - lmao - Im just as good as you - and YOU should be trying to impress me !! - lol - he found my attitude a tad Negative and omg - even called me - YES ME - NEGATIVE - PERRRLEASE = ME - THE ABSTER = NEGATIVE !! - Not on my watch !! - So - I then spent the next god knows how long explaining - as ONLY a Pituitary/Thyroid Patient can HOW AND WHY I am NOT negative - and actually - I am the MOST POSITIVE person I KNOW !! = Why I felt the need to do this - is because I HATE people getting the wrong image of me - He even said that he had started to feel negative - as a result of talking to ME !! - OMG - well - that's opened a turrent of Messages - Poor bloke coped EXTREMELY WELL !! - and I don't think the saying - " like a dog with a bone " - was meant for anyone else BUT ME !! Anyways - HE CAME ROUND TO MY WAY OF THINKING !! - and he GOT that I am actually a lovely person !! - pmsl !! and now - he and I are getting on very well !! - WELL - I THINK SO ANYWAYS - I'l probably get back on facebonkers and find he has deleted me !!

This picture means an awful lot to me - in two main ways - FIRSTLY = The Aristocats = lol - MY MOST FAVOURITE FILM as a kid - Just Brilliant - and omg - I WANTED THOMAS O'MALLEY !! - Alan didn't allow me to call My son Thomas O'Malley = BUT - he is in my mind - ( He is still a Tom tho !!! ) OMG his tune is still with me to this day :
I'm like a chee-chee-chee-chee-rony like they make at home
Or a healthy fish with a big backbone, I'm Abraham De Lacy,Guiseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley the alley cat .......... - and I just love it. LMAO - Yeah yeah - ok ok - I wont sing the whole song right now - but saving that for later !!
The little lady in the picture is Marie - The kitten - ( My middle name is Marie ! ) and she is the coolest Most splendid Lil Kitten in the whole land - she is a sassy lil devil with ATT.I.TUDE  and ALLURE ;) - FABULOUS  - Mmmm - Maybe I shouldn't model myself on a Cat - But - IF I DID - IT would be her ;) ( Ladies DONT start fights - BUT THEY FINISH THEM ! - Just Brilliant - and yes - I did say this in her voice !! - OHH SHUT UP - YES SHE DOES HAVE A VOICE ! ) !! ....... Anyways after our swimming trip - that's what we are watching !!

Wow - and the Kids are getting stuff ready and Lunch has been had ( But gotta change my top as my boobs got in the way when I went for the bread !! - and I kinda got covered !! AGAIN !! Seems to happen to me a lot - That's what happens when u are blessed with Large Breasticles !! ) anyways gotta go get changed and feet on - and into GEAR !! - Ohhhh - But NOT Top Gear - That's ANOTHER story = and one that YES - I do have an opinion on - as I love J.Clarkson - and think he should NOT have got the sack - OK - he shouldn't have HIT the guy - But - he is renound for being Mouthy shall we say - and that's good - Opinions don't always have to be the same !!

Positivity is the key to everything - Be Positive and ye shall Move forwards, Negativity leads to Boredom and Unhappiness - NOW - I JUST MADE THAT UP - AND THINK ITS RATHER GOOD !! - lol xxx


Thursday, 26 March 2015



Well - That's a very good question - lol - Its not as if I don't have enough to do is it - Kids, PeggatyPawz the Retriever x German Shepherd, Housework, Facebook to entertain, and living with a bloody Brain Tumour - I think I got enough on my plate - BUT - Everyone THINKS I need a hobby !! - as if Facebook isn't enough !! - Ohh and Pinterest ( Looking at David Tennant's Picture takes ALOT OF CONCENTRATION ) But - Ok OK = I need to show willing and Give it a go - So Here I am !! - Apparently Im funny, and Unique, and Inspirational - lmao - and no - its NOT just my mum that thinks that !! - My Dad does too !! - and Dawny my Best mate ( YES YOU DO DAWN !! ) lmao - and a few others have told me too ! - so - ok - What to write about ?? -Ohhhh - Blimey - yesterday I had the story about me as a Tooth Fairy and also a BIT about my Pituitary Tumour - well - Not actually about the Tumour - that would be weird and a tad boring - but - about my journey to get diagnosed - BUT _ That's all a bit heavy .. wel - not the tooth fairy bit - the .. ohh u get the jist !!

So a few years ago - on a Group that I was involved with I started chatting to a woman who had almost the same problem as me - and well - she thought I was just hysterical - Called me Scrappy Doo on E's - for some reason I forget why - ( Ohhh OK - Im all SHOUTY mouth and No action !! - I'll fight a good fight, word wise - but I wouldn't ever hurt anyone - id run !! UNLIKE my bestie Dawn who OMG - has actually chased a group - and yes that's A GROUP of guys down the road with a four pinter milk and a Whippet - all because they were 'going' to vandalise a car - Maybe that's why we get on so well - I do the talking - although bloody hell she can half talk too ! - and she does the kicking !! - pmsl - NOT THAT SHE EVER HAS - she is just plain scarey !! and ppl RUN !! ) ohhh - Ive gone off at a tangent !! = I cant remember what im meant to be saying - ( Reads back ) Ohh yeah - Scrappy Doo = So - there was my First Opinion - I should start a blog !!!

Since that was suggested I have been posting my ideas and thoughts on facebook - as a status and a lot of people say I should Blog = OMG - OK - THAT IS ABOUT IT !! - and that's why im here !! Im going to try and Blog everyday about something interesting - LMAO - TRY being the operative word - BUT - so far - nothing has happened today - apart from negative things and that's plain boring - No-one wants to hear that I  have been chatting to a guy for a few days and all seemed wonderful - then today - after Skyping for over an hour my ex walks in and sits down and .. The guy starts wanting me to undress - ( Close ur eyes mother ! ) IN FRONT OF MY EX - NO WAY !! - lmao - Im moralistic and NOT into that - which he knew - OMG - well - he just started to say he had wasted his time staying off work and blar blar blar - SHAME as he was pretty !! = BUT I do get ALOT of attention - always seems to be from the wrong type of person tho - I wanna find a Nice Caring Funny, Chatty guy ( Who is HOT !! ) who can keep up with me and my unique ways !! I NOT ABOUT TO JUMP INTO BED WITH ANYONE !! ( ohh my mother is now VERY Proud ! ) LOOK AWAY AGAIN PLEASE - I soo wish I could be LESS MORALISTIC and have a bitta fun tho ;) !! pmsl !! - Ohhh now ive forgotton what im on about again ! - That's a problem I have - Due to the Tumour - I start something - LMAO = Go off on a tangent - and completely loose - ohhhhhhhhhhhh SQUIRREL !! lmao !!!

ohhhhhhhhhhh and the ONLY other thing that happened was at 3am this fine morning I decided I needed the loo and obviously - in my mind - I couldn't turn on the light - as this would awaken the GHOSTS = Yeah - the kids were just fine !! - they sleep soundly - BUT I SO DONT WANNA WAKE AND MEET A GHOST ! - so = I left them off, sat on the loo - didn't think anything of hearing Cassia ( My 9 year old ) stirring and walking across the landing = Opened the door to the loo and turned the light on - only to see me sitting there Trousers round my ankles - smiling at her - ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - she screamed- and that was it- I was in the right place - PMSL = and I soo couldn't stop laughing = I PETRIFIED Poor Cassia = She is ok now - but SHE WASNT HAPPY !! - and no-one upsets Cass without knowing about it !!

So- Day two of Blogging and ive done it - GO ME !! - Comments greatfully appreciated - and if there is any faults in this - forgive me - I can type and type and type - as I don't need to think about it - I just say what comes into my head - BUT - I cant read it back - Its ANOTHER problem I have - with this bloody Tumour = I cant read - and its crap as I used to LOVE and be an avid reader - but now - if I concentrate to read or anything - then im in pain or my head just shuts down !! - such fun ... so - if there are any mistakes - IGNORE EM - !! ta !! ;) xx

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Me Myself I and The Illness I have !! ( Brain Tumour - Various Symptoms )

Me, Myself, I - and the illness I have !

Hahahah - What a title !!
Ok - Where do I start - I had given birth to Cassia in 2006 - and for the first few months was SUPERB - Getting everything done - totally in control - THEN The ex - Hubby at that time - was due for a dentist apt and had to leave - 2.45 the apt was - I was on sofa - and TOTALLY UNABLE TO MOVE - He shouted  " im just off" - and I couldn't even shout after him - I - unbeknown to me - Had gone into a Myexdema Coma ( Myxedema coma is a loss of brain function as a result of severe, longstanding low level of thyroid hormone in the blood (Hypothyroidism). Myxedema coma is considered a life-threatening complication of hypothyroidism and represents the far more serious side of the spectrum of thyroid disease. ) Alan got back and found me in the same position - I knew what was happening = But couldn't do a thing, speech, movement - everything had gone - THANK GOD TWO DAYS EARLIER I HAD HAD A BLOOD TEST - Alan rang an Ambulance and Doctors - The doctor looked at my Blood Test Results and instructed immediate Levothyroxine Treatment - Within Hours I was back to reality - OK OK - MY REALITY - as ive never lived in the real world .... I would be on Levothyroxine for the rest of my life and if I don't take it - at the High levels that I need - I will die !! pmsl !! Job Done - .. Ermmm No - Not quite !!

I went on to suffer Many Many different symptoms, and after a fantastic consultation with a Normal GP - She thought I was almost CERTAINLY suffering with Either Cushings Disease - or A Pituitary Brain Tumour - and sent me for my first MRI ..... This came back inconclusive - which - She pointed out - was great  - and it PROVED, to her - that I had - in the 'least' a Pit Tumour !! WHEWWW WHEWEWW !! - Now- I have to keep MRI'ing to find the lil bugger !! = No-one tells u - BUT - 7 years it took to actually FIND the tumour on the scan - But = Inbetween this time - I had been diagnosed with a Bulky Pituitary - Which I have since found out - is so large - Its actually hitting my Frontal Lobal Cortex !! ( Ones at the front and ones at the back of my head ! ) It should be the size of a Pea !! I was THEN diagnosed with loss of Peripheral vision: Side vision - The Opthalimic Tech said I was to see a Neurologist IMMEDIATELY- lol - I said it was he who had sent me to you - to see if I had a Glaucoma - As I was sent to him with blinding headaches and Pressure in the head - she actualy said and I quote " Is the Man stupid ! - You have immense loss of sight and Im sure its due to Pituitary Based Problems - You need to go to KINGS "

OMG - ok - so KINGS - and remember - I have STILL not actually had a proper diagnosis !! - Even tho I have had 4 scans back - all with sight of this Bulky Pit - and Pit Tumour - ok - I underwent LOADS of testing - mainly bloods ( 26 viles was the most !! ) and loads of Hormones testing = EVERYTHING came back Inconclusive or Borderline !! and with a Top Specialist in Africa looking at my scans - I knew ' This was gonna be it- They can do something ' LMAO - YEAH RIGHT ! - after quite a few visits to Kings - I was discharged - BUT - Diagnosed with a Pituitary Brain Tumour, A Bulky Pit, Hypothyroidism, Borderline Polycystic Overy Syndrome, and Distorted and Irregular functioning of the amygdula gland - The gland that gives you Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome - Ohh Yes - To Top it all - I have the thing that Soliders yet - ( maybe why I like a uniform !! ) AND- They CANT treat me other than by tablets - as there is too much pressure in my head ( From all the thinking I do ;) !!! ) and the stress would further 'upset' the Amygdula Gland - and that is NOT a thing they want to chance !! GREAT !!

So - Back I go to Hospital - to see the Original Neurologist - WHO I DONT LIKE AT ALL = He puts me on an epilepsy drug - to try to combat the head aches - FANTASTIC - yes it did - BUT - It also caused HUGE problems concentrating, memory, judgement, speech, cognitive, ohhh - just about everything it could effect - it did !! I stayed on this for 2 YEARS !!! - Yup - No-body thought that the symptoms I was getting were made worse - by these bloody tablets !! - Anyway - im nearly four weeks into NOT taking them - and already I feel better - BUT - I still have HUGE problems with stress - I cant take any - I cant think what to do if things go wrong - I Zone Out - sometimes for hours - I sleep LOADS - and then not at all - I have no concentration, No relaxation methods, ALL My learning skills have deteriorated, My eye sight comes and goes, My speech comes and Goes, and OMG - I am the living proof that Doctor Jekeyll and Mr Hyde can exist !! lmao - That or THE HULK !! - One minute I am me - Happy, Smiley, Fun, Caring, Honest and Loving - The next - BLOODY HELL = I AM A BEAST FROM HELL - and this cannot be controlled - at all = I have since learned its due to immence raises and decreases in Cortisol - Like PMT but x it by 1000 !! Ohhh that's NOT all my symptoms - that's just a few off the top of my head - and that's not all my story - BUT = PHEW - im knackered now - and need to give my brain a rest !!

I'll be back !!!

Me - AKA : The Tooth Fairy !!


OMG its NEVER been so difficult bein the TOOTH FAIRY. .

Door squeaked, Tripd over dog, fell downstairs, swore. . Oh dont judge, tooth fairys swear. I couldnt see so grabbed entire contents of purse - IN THE COIN SECTION !. Then I walkd bk upstairs only to trip over dog again, at the top of the stairs as she had moved, note to self : dont get a black dog again. .
OMG I NEED THE LOO. . Feet on freezing floor, sit down, SHITE, loo seat down, Wipe ( ohh i had to put in I wiped as otherwise ud think I was disgusting ! ) stand up, loo seat up, Remembering ive a handful of change. . WELL DONE ME! . . . Phew better. Out of ...loo, across landing, Oh my sainted aunt the fecking dog had movd AGAIN. . Trip. . STÌLL REMEMBERING HANDFUL OF COINS, I do amaze even myself.

Sshhh went into Cassias room, kick her school bag, BIG SIGH FROM CASS, Lean over, hand under pillow . . WHERES THE FECKING TOÖTH? I pock and prod and Just cant find it - wel - this kid does have about eighty pillows - Just to be comfy - so - I really didn't stand a chance . . . Cant find Tooth. . Decision made. . LEAVE TOOTH. . I deposìt handful of cash as quietly as possible - and for those that KNOW me - this is NOT an easy task - Abby and QUIET Does not go hand in hand !, I turn round, I kick school bag Just for good measure, I dont even think about the wet patch i just trod in,  then manover slowly round sleeping dogs that lie - in the MOST STUPID PLACES = She moans - . . . FFS!. . . Back in my room. . Shut squeeky door, MUST OIL. . . Fall into bed. . TOOTH FAIRY DUTY. . DONE!

6.30am after NOT receiving a wink of sleep = Creeeeeeeeeek - " Mum, Mum " ... " Yes Cassia, " - " Shes Been, The Tooth Fairy HAS been, But - she couldn't have had a £5 note as she has left it all in change - £4.86 "
- OMG - £4.86 A ONE BLOODY TOOTH ! I've been robbed !!  
"- and - " - said cass - excitedly - " She hasn't even taken the tooth - it's still under my pillow - Im So Gona leave it there and get more money tonight " - LMAO - Girl after my own heart = BUT - RESPONSIBLE HEAD ON - I DONT WANT 'THE TALK' AGAIN FROM THE EX !! I Must be Responsible !! . so = Here goes - " Cass - You CANT leave it again - as that's really Deceitful and Wrong - the Tooth Fairy Has given you the money for the Tooth - I think u should store it in my Draw for safe keeping and say a Big Thank You to the Tooth Fairy ! - " = OHH WAY TO GO ME !!

- " But - Mum - That's just DISGUSTING = You keep Teeth - is that where you get False Teeth from - are YOU going to sell my tooth ?? " - 
No Cassia - IM NOT ! "  -  "  Cass then thinks and ponders " = I guess your right - she obviously had to raid her piggy bank to give me money - I mean - she must be skint- Fancy not leaving a £5 note - and then SHE FORGETS THE TOOTH "