Friday, 7 April 2017

it's not even 9.30am yet !!!

Birds flying High
you know what i feel
sun in the sky
youuuuuu know what i feel
sun drifting on byyyyyyye
you know what i feel
It's a new dawn - a new day - a new life
for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and im feeling goooooooooooood !

OK - OK - I did not write that - but i bloody well sung it - and i hope you did too !! - What a fab song - defo a feel good one - and one to start the day to ! I'm obviously talking the Nina Simone Version - although I have to put in - im not opposed to the Michael Bubs rendition !! 

I have not blogged for ages - and i am missed - OHHHH SHUT UP - I AM !  - So - I thought - a quick one as i have been very very rudely awaken - awoken - ?? - by Peggaty !! 

In fact -
Now - do i go into details - ? - well - as it is part of my life - It would be rude not too !! -
PeggatyPawz - Now a almost 15 year old Retriever / German Shepherd - GORGEOUS old girl

- so happy - if selectively deaf and blind and a tad demented - oh and she has had a stroke - just a slight one - but - well - it can happen to us all !! Well - had her since a pup - and bless her - best old dog EVER - she has been there for me through it all - Through 'Normal Abby ness = ( although i am sure i was never 'normal' - what is 'Normal' anyways ?! ) right through my TRANSFORMATION into The person i am today !! - Not person - MEDICAL PHENOMENON !! * Takes bow *
Anyway - Was Lying in bed - think i am NOT getting up - even though I have been awake for at least an hour - i am actually not tired - ( went to bed at 2.30 am - my sleeping patterns are shot ! ) and have a Tired Rodney to attend too ;) -

Then it hit me - THE SMELL - Oh My God - Peggaty - I knew - i just knew - anyway - Rodney sneezes - ( you seriously could not write it - ) and jumps off me - and at full pelt RUNS for his life - Derek - whom is at end of bed ... runs after Rodney - and Dave decides this behaviour is totally unacceptable and chases both - crashing into the banister rail at the top of the stairs - the ones both cats jump through !  

Oh ok - I should add - Derek & Rodney are the Cats - and Dave is the dog - and although i do have a " NO ANIMAL ON FURNITURE " RULE - They all break this - giving no thought or respect to the Owner and Alpha of the pack - THAT'S ME ! -  except Peggaty - Who - if she could - she would - but she can no longer get upstairs !!  Peggaty is the other dog - they are who i share my life with - as well as the kids - But - at the moment - they are with their dad - who left cause i was too unruly !! * Big Smile * !!

Anyways - Down i go to be faced with Pegstar Trying to get her bulk up off the floor - God Love her - She is The Fattest but Lovliest dog ever - She can hardly move now cause she is so large - BUT - she try's - She is on a diet - but - Pa - Diet Smiat she says - She Loves Food - that's the retriever in her - anyways - she walks through oblivious - oblivious to the items that are being expelled from her back end - no idea she is incontinent in any way - OMG OMG - THE BACK DOOR IS GOING TO BE OPENED - AND THAT MEANS - CATT FOOOOOD !! - Peg - Loves - Cat Food !! She walks through - and as i walk - i hop over lumps of poop as i pass - Dave walks behind me - and hops - as i do - SERIOUSLY - It has to be seen to be believed - Derek & Rodney Then emerge from the Sitting room - Derek First - then Rodney - and in line - follow - No-one passes - All ( Yes - IM TOTALLY SERIOUS ) ' HOPPING' as i walk ... * shakes head * - anyway - open - back door - and SCREAM - PEGGATY LEAVE THE CAT FOOD - YOUR NOT A CAT - YOUR A BLOODY DOG - !! 

and drag her away from the food - as i let her and Dave in the Garden - WHY - I don't know - Peg is OK - she feels MUCH better !! - But = NOW - Well - Derek decides he is Mad cat / one of those horses who picks up the paws really high / prancing / meowing / hyper STARving - running from one end of conservatory to the other Cat who needs food NOW - 
Rodney just sits - Sits and looks !! Rodney is sitting - observing - good as gold cat !! 

BUT ... I need to be on Poo Patrol - So - Off i go - I grab the extra large ( GSD x Retriever dog- NOT a Yorkie ! ) bags - Yes - Thats BAGS ! and Disinfectant and a scourer and go searching !! - A whole new world of discoverment ( yes it is a word ) for me !! THIS IS WHY PEGGATY IS NOW ON A STRICT (! - OMG EVEN IM LAUGHING !) diet of JUST dry food - I could NOT be doing with a Diarrhoea dog at 6am !! - well - at any time !! - Anyways - This is when the fun begins - Yup - I have not taken meds - NOT had a coffee - Not had a wee - and am a tad - ermmm - excitable atm !! Bend over - Pick up a lump  ( Peg does not do it all in one spot - she walks about ! ) - and Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - Nose up bottom - Dave has let himself in - and is telling me he is back in the vacinity and i can relax ! - THANKS DAVE ! - CAN THE DOG NOT JUST BARK !! He now gets in line and follows me - ( Everywhere ! ) OK - Undies re-adjusted - and Off we go - new Lump - OMG - New Lump New Day - and we are full cycle Back to Nina Simone again - except - we are not - it does not stop there - I carry on with Poop Patrol / Dave behind me - Derek STILL flying in the conservatory - he is SURE that i have forgotten he NEEDS feeding - Anyway - so much 'head down - head up ' action has started MY OWN ISSUES Off - and i feel a tad - dizzy / giddy / Bloody pressurey - and SHIT - yup - Lump of - on foot - OHHHHHH BUM !! 

OK - Now im getting a tad narked and start to think about things i don't wanna think about - and hop - to the sink - well - this is where it gets ridiculas - Due to my illness - I can hardly walk - let alone hop - so - i manage to get as little 'poop' over the floor as possible - but - I then decide that - OF COURSE I CAN GET MY FOOT IN THE SINK - I'M VERY VERY NIMBLE AND FLEXIBLE I HAVE YOU KNOW - ( im so not ! ) OK - 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 go's at heaving my MORE THAN AMPLE LEG into sink - and i stop - nope - aint gonna happen ! - OHHHHHHH 1 .. 2 .... 3 more goes - NOPE - STOP ABBY - IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN -  so - t'towel on floor - and i wipe my foot enough to then coax my almighty ( and yet VERY SEXY ;) ) self to the floor - give a MY FOOT AND TOES a good wash over with washing up liquid and then - just in case - i stick a bag over my foot - finish the job of cleaning and mopping and falling about - then - i go shower - I wont mention the fact i forget i have bag on foot and get into shower - which is a huge feat ( pardon pun ) in itself - anyways - for once i don't fall over ( I have major 'issues' using arms and concentrating - due to my illness ) but - i manage to clean - and shower beautifully - get dressed - and come back down stairs - then - make coffee - and sit down - awwwwwwwwwwwwwww LOVELY - and knock knock - WHO'S BLOODY THERE  ...Had Jehovah Witnesses up knocking .. n where as i am usually full of tact and ..... ok ok Abby n tact dont go together..but im respectful n polite... polite ( usually ) .. but this morning has been particularly tough and it's not even 10am yet  .. ... but being sincerely polite was made harder by having one DAVE Dog pretending to be a noisy nosy ninja trying to commando roll through my legs with 'andrew' his teddy bear in mouth

 n another PEGGATYPAWZ dog barking n growling as though i was about to be attacked by a Army of vampire nuns dressed as sumo wrestlers AND - Derek and Rodney came running to see if it was the kids returning i think - The poor J/W's - got a short sharp - NO and slammed the door ... i will leave u with those thoughts but apologise to the J/W if reading this !! Xxx

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